Native land, fatherland - Patria (The 2106th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish word for Native land, fatherland is Patria. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2106th most common word in Spanish. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common Spanish words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: native land, fatherland
Spanish: patria
Fatherland or death, we shall overcome. | Patria o muerte, venceremos. |
I love the fatherland. | Yo amo a mi patria. |
The whole world is my fatherland. | Mi patria es el mundo entero. |
The teacher said that we are the future of the fatherland. | El profesor dijo que somos el futuro de la patria. |
Nazareth is the fatherland and the calling of every disciple. | Nazaret es la patria y la vocación de todo discípulo. |
Different rules must apply to those who have been driven out of their native land than apply to those who emigrate for economic reasons. | A alguien que es expulsado de su patria se le deben aplicar unas normas diferentes a las que se aplican a quien emigra por razones económicas. |
The internal market may have been largely achieved in terms of goods and capital, but it is far from a reality for people who earn their living outside their native land. | El mercado interno bien puede realizarse en gran parte para los bienes y el capital, pero en absoluto es una realidad para personas que se ganan el pan fuera de su patria. |
Logan left his native land as a boy and barely remembers it. | Logan salió de su patria cuando era pequeño y apenas la recuerda. |
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Through respectful dialogue and a shared belief in partnership we dare to forge a working team of neighbours, each of whom loves his or her native land and yet each of whom shares a devotion to our common European continental homeland. | A través del diálogo respetuoso y una creencia compartida en la asociación, nos atrevemos a forjar un equipo de trabajo de vecinos, cada uno de los cuales ama su tierra natal y al tiempo comparte una devoción por nuestra patria continental europea. |
The fatherland was protected by you up to the end. | La patria era protegida por ti hasta el fin. |
This earned him the nickname, father of the fatherland. | Esto le valió el apodo, el padre de la patria. |
Any fatherland is a bourgeois objective and exclusively bourgeois. | Toda patria es un objetivo burgués y exclusivamente burgués. |
How to differentiate the new fatherland from the disordered world | ¿Cómo distinguir la nueva patria del mundo desordenado |
Happy is he who falls for religion and fatherland. | Feliz aquél que cae por la religión y la patria. |
But for the time being, we must defend the fatherland. | Por el momento, sin embargo, debemos defender a la patria. |
For the fatherland, that is what I said. | Por la patria, eso fue lo que yo dije. |
Now, twenty-three years later Stalin has left nothing of the Socialist fatherland. | Hoy, veintitrés años después, Stalin no ha dejado nada de la patria socialista. |
That is my sacrifice for the fatherland. | Ese es mi sacrificio por la patria. |
The thoughts of race and of fatherland completely disappeared. | Las nociones de raza y patria desaparecieron por completo. |
It is a symbol of the fatherland. | Para ellos es un símbolo de la patria. |
I don't need the fatherland, I have my homeland. | Yo no necesito a la patria. Tengo mi tierra. |