Man, mankind, husband - Hombre (The 97th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Man, mankind, husband is Hombre. It can be used as noun. It is the 97th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. This word often comes up when talking about people, society, family & relationships. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: man, mankind, husband

es Spanish: hombre


en es
My husband is a good man. Mi marido es un buen hombre.
This man is alive. Este hombre está vivo.
Well do I remember the man's name. Recuerdo muy bien el nombre de ese hombre.
I saw a man enter the room. Vi a un hombre entrar a la habitación.
The man sees what he thinks is a young girl. El hombre ve lo que cree que es una niña joven.
That man didn't give me his name. Ese hombre no me dio su nombre.
He is the last man to do such a thing. Él es el último hombre en hacer semejante cosa.
He is the tallest man that I have ever seen. Es el hombre más alto que jamás haya visto.

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Man, mankind, husband - Hombre (The 97th Most Common Spanish Word)
I reckon that man is lost. Creo que este hombre se ha extraviado.
You are a calm man. Usted es un hombre tranquilo.
I know a man who might help. Conozco a un hombre que puede ayudar.
The man tries the coffee. El hombre prueba el café.
The old man lives alone. El hombre viejo vive solo.
The man you saw yesterday was my uncle. El hombre que viste ayer es mi tío.
You'll have to come back a little later: the man who deals with that issue has just gone out. Tendrás que volver un poco más tarde: el hombre que se ocupa de ese tema acaba de salir.
A man on horseback came along the path. Un hombre a caballo vino por el camino.
He was a wonderful man. Él fue un hombre maravilloso.
The short man wears a black suit. El hombre bajo lleva un traje negro.
The tall man wears a black suit. El hombre alto lleva un traje negro.
Each man has his own field of work. Cada hombre tiene su propio campo de trabajo.
Be the kindhearted man you always were. Sé el hombre de buen corazón que siempre fuiste.

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Man, mankind, husband - Hombre (The 97th Most Common Spanish Word)

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