Magazine, journal - Revista (The 920th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Magazine, journal in Spanish is Revista. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 920th most common word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about media & it, lifestyle & free time. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common Spanish words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: magazine, journal

es Spanish: revista


en es
I haven't been reading any books or magazines lately. Últimamente no me he leído ningún libro o revista.
It's crazy to read that magazine. Es una locura leer esa revista.
I bought him a magazine. Le compré una revista a él.
I cannot read this magazine. It's for women. No puedo leer esta revista. Es para mujeres.
There are some magazines in my room. Tengo una revista en mi cuarto.
It's this month's magazine. Esta revista es de este mes.
I found the new magazine very interesting. Me pareció muy interesante la nueva revista.
I saw it in a journal. Lo vi en una revista.

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Magazine, journal - Revista (The 920th Most Common Spanish Word)
There are some magazines in my room. Hay una revista en mi habitación.
The magazine does nothing for me. La revista no hace nada para mí.
Any magazine will do. Cualquier revista servirá.
May I have this magazine ¿Puedo llevar esta revista
Shall I bring a magazine ¿Debería llevar una revista
I am reading a magazine. Estoy leyendo una revista.
I lent him a magazine. Le presté una revista.
What's your favorite magazine ¿Cuál es tu revista favorita
Do you have a Japanese journal ¿Tienes una revista japonesa
Have you already received the November issue of My Garden journal ¿Ya has recibido la copia para noviembre de la revista Mi Jardín
I bought a magazine. Compré una revista.
Pass me that magazine. Pásame esa revista.
My sister subscribes to a fashion magazine. Minha irmã assina uma revista de moda.

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Magazine, journal - Revista (The 920th Most Common Spanish Word)

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