Lend - Prestar (The 1075th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Lend is Prestar. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1075th most commonly used word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about shops & services, being & changes. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: lend

es Spanish: prestar


en es
Would you lend me some money ¿Me podrías prestar algo de dinero
I'll lend you this dictionary. Te voy a prestar este diccionario.
Can you lend me 500 yen ¿Me puedes prestar quinientos yenes
She'll lend you a book. Ella te va a prestar un libro.
Would you lend me your pencil ¿Me podrías prestar tu lápiz
Can you lend me a stapler ¿Me puedes prestar una grapadora
Would you lend me a pencil ¿Me puedes prestar un lápiz
The international community should lend its support to that movement. La comunidad internacional debe prestar su apoyo a ese movimiento.

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Lend - Prestar (The 1075th Most Common Spanish Word)
They can lend fifty euros to 2,000 euros per company. Puede prestar cincuenta euros a 2.000 euros por empresa.
The parties must lend their full cooperation to the mission. Las partes deben prestar su plena cooperación a la misión.
Lenders also prefer to lend money to property owners. Los prestamistas también prefieren prestar dinero a la propiedad propietarios.
For the lender, it is to lend money against interest. Para el prestamista, es prestar dinero contra intereses.
Can not operate or lend money except to its subsidiaries. No se puede operar o prestar dinero, excepto a sus filiales.
Once completed l´inscription you can lend from 20 euros per company. Una vez completado l´inscription puede prestar desde 20 euros por empresa.
Indeed lend on credit.fr is a social gesture. De hecho prestar en credit.fr es un gesto social.
More likely, you'll not be able to lend music at all. Más probablemente, usted no será capaz de prestar música en absoluto.
Why should I lend three million to a stranger ¿Por qué debería prestar tres millones a un extraño
CEdit.fr makes it possible to lend to the PMT and French TPES. CEdit.fr hace posible prestar a la PMT y francés TPES.
You can lend from 10 euros and up to €1,000 per project. Puede prestar desde 10 euros hasta 1.000 € por proyecto.
Is there a tax advantage to lend on LENDOPOLIS ¿Existe una ventaja fiscal para prestar en LENDOPOLIS
Moreover, international banks had refused to lend to TPN. Además, los bancos internacionales se habían negado a prestar a TPN.

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Lend - Prestar (The 1075th Most Common Spanish Word)

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