Jump, leap, hop - Saltar (The 1160th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Jump, leap, hop is Saltar. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1160th most commonly used word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about activities & movements, emotions, numbers & quantity, nature & weather. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: jump, leap, hop

es Spanish: saltar


en es
It's dangerous to jump off a moving train. Es peligroso saltar de un tren en movimiento.
I'm going to jump. Voy a saltar.
I saw him jump. Le vi saltar.
He could not help jumping for joy at the good news. Él no pudo evitar saltar de alegría por las buenas noticias.
My daughter loves jumping rope. A mi hija le encanta saltar a la cuerda.
I saw a white dog jump over the fence. Vi a un perro blanco saltar sobre la cerca.
I can jump. Puedo saltar.
You must not jump to conclusions. Usted no debe saltar a conclusiones.

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Jump, leap, hop - Saltar (The 1160th Most Common Spanish Word)
She can jump high. Ella puede saltar alto.
Think before you leap. Piensa antes de saltar.
Kids like jumping. A los niños les gusta saltar.
Swing, jump and grab a handhold on the wall ahead. Swing, saltar y agarrar un asidero en la pared delante.
She can jump 3 meters with a ball in the nose ¿Podrá saltar 3 metros con una bola en la nariz
This is for never letting me jump on my own bed. Esto es por nunca dejarme saltar en mi propia cama.
Now is the time to jump in with both feet. Ahora es el momento de saltar adentro con ambos pies.
Let your puppy catch all the music notes when jumping. Deje que su cachorro captura toda la música notas al saltar.
You are able to walk, climb walls and jump. Eres capaz de andar, trepar por las paredes y saltar.
Jumping Jenny - Jump and climb as high as possible. Jumping Jenny - Saltar y subir tan alto como sea posible.
My colleague had to jump over her body to escape. Mi colega tuvo que saltar sobre ella para escapar.
Anyone can come and jump, but at their own risk. Cualquiera puede venir y saltar, pero bajo su propio riesgo.
It's easy to generalize and jump to an incorrect conclusion. Es fácil generalizar y saltar a una conclusión incorrecta.

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Jump, leap, hop - Saltar (The 1160th Most Common Spanish Word)

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