Institution - Institución (The 697th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Institution is Institución. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 697th most commonly used word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about environment & living, culture & arts, society. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: institution

es Spanish: institución


en es
The most important institution of society besides the family is the school. La institución más importante de la sociedad además de la familia es la escuela.
The institution was established in the late 1960s. La institución fue fundada a finales de los años sesenta.
However, this institution cannot afford to succumb to such attempts. Sin embargo, esta institución no puede permitirse sucumbir a esos intentos.
The agency is a decentralised institution, and change takes time. La agencia es una institución descentralizada, y el cambio toma tiempo.
The institution has been quite active along a broad front. La institución ha sido bastante activa en un amplio frente.
This arrangement led to the institution of the hereditary monarchy. Este arreglo condujo a la institución de la monarquía hereditaria.
The World Bank has adopted this concept as an institution. El Banco Mundial ha aprobado este concepto como una institución.
These events are all associated with the institution of government. Estos acontecimientos todos se asocian a la institución del gobierno.

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Institution - Institución (The 697th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Smithsonian Institution purchased a major collection of her work. La Institución Smithsonian adquirió una importante colección de su obra.
In any modern international institution, a legal committee is indispensable. En cualquier institución internacional moderna, es indispensable un comité legal.
Name of institution is fully consistent with its content. Nombre de la institución es totalmente coherente con su contenido.
However, no institution should be immune from criticism. No obstante, ninguna institución debería ser inmune a la crítica.
Among other things, the medical institution has an organizational-methodical department. Entre otras cosas, la institución médica tiene un departamento organizativo-metódico.
The reputation of an educational institution is determined by its students. La reputación de una institución educativa está determinada por sus estudiantes.
In pvc, session of digital photographic takings in its institution. En pvc, sesión de tomas fotográficas digitales en su institución.
Cooperative institution dedicated to the generation and distribution of electricity. Institución Cooperativa dedicada a la generación y distribución de electricidad.
This is due to changes in the family institution. Esto es debido a los cambios en la institución familiar.
An educational institution is only as good as its reputation. Una institución educativa es solo tan bueno como su reputación.
It must have an educational objective recognised by the institution. Debe tener un objetivo educativo reconocido por la institución.
Moscow State University is the oldest educational institution of Russia. Moscow State University es la institución educativa más antigua de Rusia.
No institution or group may establish military or paramilitary organizations. Ninguna institución o grupo podrá establecer organizaciones militares o paramilitares.

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Institution - Institución (The 697th Most Common Spanish Word)

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