Important - Importante (The 171st Most Common Spanish Word)
In Spanish, the word for Important is Importante. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 171st most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as adjective. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.
This is an important step.
Es un paso importante.
Dad says the most important thing is that I'm alive.
Papá dice que lo más importante es que estoy vivo.
I had not realized how important this is to you.
No me había dado cuenta de lo importante que esto es para ti.
This is an important letter.
Es una carta importante.
I have something important to tell you.
Hay algo importante que necesito decirte.
He has an important position in the company.
Tiene un puesto importante en la empresa.
I'm waiting for a very important call.
Estoy esperando una llamada muy importante.
What is important is to keep this in mind.
Lo importante es tener esto en mente.
Sex is important to me.
El sexo es importante para mí.
They said it was important.
Dijeron que era importante.
Health is the most important thing.
La salud es lo más importante.
I wouldn't say it was unimportant.
Yo no diría que no era importante.
I have a very important meeting.
Tengo una reunión muy importante.
Tomorrow, I've got an important mission first thing in the morning. I shouldn't be wasting my time with this.
Tengo una importante misión para mañana, en la mañana. La primera cosa será, no perder mi tiempo con esto.
Skincare is important.
El cuidado de la piel es importante.
What to say is more important than how to say it.
Qué decir es más importante que cómo decirlo.
Truth is more important than beauty.
La verdad es más importante que la belleza.
Beauty isn't important.
La belleza no es importante.
You have missed an important clue.
Has pasado por alto una pista importante.
It is important to remember who your friends are.
Es importante recordar quiénes son tus amigos.
Our clients are the most important to us.
Nuestros clientes son lo más importante para nosotros.
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