Horse - Caballo (The 907th Most Common Spanish Word)
The translation for Horse in Spanish is Caballo. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 907th most common word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about nature & weather. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.
English: horse
Spanish: caballo
A horse passed my house. | Un caballo pasó por mi casa. |
The horse is far from the house. | El caballo está lejos de la casa. |
This horse is not white. | Este caballo no es blanco. |
It's my horse. | Es mi caballo. |
That horse is white. | Ese caballo es blanco. |
I've got a white horse. | Tengo un caballo blanco. |
The horse is black. | El caballo es negro. |
A man on horseback came along the path. | Un hombre a caballo vino por el camino. |
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My horse is black. | Mi caballo es negro. |
The horse is mine. | El caballo es mío. |
I bet ten dollars on that horse. | Apuesto diez dólares a ese caballo. |
I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse. | Tengo tanta hambre que me comería un caballo. |
A horse runs quickly. | Un caballo corre rápidamente. |
I will discuss it with my horse. | Hablaré de ello con mi caballo. |
That horse may be a good bet. | Ese caballo puede ser una buena apuesta. |
His horse won by three lengths. | Su caballo ganó por tres cuerpos. |
The horse is thirsty. | El caballo tiene sed. |
Can you ride a horse | ¿Sabes montar a caballo |
I can ride a horse. | Puedo andar a caballo. |
The horse is a domestic animal. | El caballo es un animal doméstico. |
His horse jumped over the fence. | Su caballo saltó por sobre la cerca. |