Hole, opening - Agujero (The 2692nd Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Hole, opening in Spanish is Agujero. It can be used as noun. It is the 2692nd most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B2 word. This word often comes up when talking about materials & quality, location & place, lifestyle & free time, culture & arts. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: hole, opening

es Spanish: agujero


en es
This stone has a hole in the center. Esta piedra tiene un agujero en el centro.
There's a hole in my coat. Mi abrigo tiene un agujero.
The hole is big enough. El agujero es bastante grande.
It is a black hole. Es un agujero negro.
There's a large hole in the wall. Hay un gran agujero en la pared.
He dug a hole. Él cavó un agujero.
They're digging a hole. Ellos cavan un agujero.
Dig a deep hole. Cava un agujero profundo.

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Hole, opening - Agujero (The 2692nd Most Common Spanish Word)
How deep is the hole ¿Cuál es la profundidad del agujero
The mouse ran into the hole. El ratón entró corriendo al agujero.
Tom is digging a hole. Tom está cavando un agujero.
The wormhole is stable. El agujero de gusano es estable.
The hole is narrow. El agujero es estrecho.
The hole is wide. El agujero es ancho.
In February the lizard leaves the hole. En febrero sale la lagartija del agujero.
This is a hole. Esto es un agujero.
The purse has a hole. El monedero tiene un agujero.
Tom dumped Mary's body into the hole he had dug previously. Tom tiró el cadáver de Mary a un agujero que él había cavado previamente.
Wheel versions having a larger centre hole shall be included in the test. Se incluirán en el ensayo las versiones de la rueda que presenten un agujero central mayor.
Colour filter with central hole approximately 0,3 mm in diameter, diameter > 8,6 mm Filtro coloreado de un diámetro superior a 8,6 mm con un agujero central de aproximadamente 0,3 mm de diámetro
In case of test on the spoke, that spoke is to be chosen where the bolt hole is closest. En caso de ensayo de un radio, elegir el radio más próximo al agujero de perno.

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Hole, opening - Agujero (The 2692nd Most Common Spanish Word)

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