Hole, cavity - Hueco (The 2760th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Hole, cavity in Spanish is Hueco. It can be used as noun. It is the 2760th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B2 word. This word often comes up when talking about materials & quality. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: hole, cavity

es Spanish: hueco


en es
The prisoner escaped through a hole in the shower. El prisionero se escapó por un hueco en la regadera.
They were gonna blow a hole in the fence and escape. Iban a volar un hueco en la valla y escapar.
Three months on a ship and now for a hole. Tres meses en un barco y ahora para un hueco.
Or maybe there really is a hole in her memory. O tal vez realmente hay un hueco en su memoria.
What kind of spaceship has a hole in the middle ¿Qué clase de nave espacial tiene un hueco en el medio
It has something to do with that hole in the ceiling. Tiene algo que ver con ese hueco en el techo.
Keep your eye on the doughnut, not on the hole. Mantén tus ojos en la rosca, no en el hueco.
In case of vehicles of category M1 the width of the hole or gap shall not exceed 40 mm without having to take into account its length. En el caso de los vehículos de la categoría M1, si el orificio o hueco no supera los 40 mm de ancho, habrá que tener en cuenta su longitud.

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Hole, cavity - Hueco (The 2760th Most Common Spanish Word)
The prescribed maximum space may locally be exceeded in the case it is measured at a hole or gap within the surface of patterned mesh or between the parallel bars of the surface of grille. El espacio máximo establecido podrá superarse localmente cuando se mida en un orificio o hueco en el interior de la superficie de malla de figuras geométricas o entre las barras paralelas de la superficie de rejilla.
Stepping in to fill the gaping hole left... Interviene para ocupar el hueco dejado...
You see, there's this gigantic hole... Yes. Veras, hay un hueco gigantesco...
Now watch me get out of this hole. Ahora obsérvame salir de este hueco.
You're trapped in that little hole of yours. Estás atrapado en tu pequeño hueco.
Let's drive it down this hole and get going. Metedla por este hueco y venid.
I want to come out from the hole under the stairs. Quero salir del hueco de la escalera.
Each hole is rendered on its own according to its tags. Cada hueco se renderiza individualmente según sus etiquetas.
It has been fascinating to watch general manager Brian Cashman sort through his options as he has filled hole after hole in his lineup. Ha sido interesante ver cómo el gerente general Brian Cashman ha ponderado sus opciones al llenar hueco tras hueco.
The species builds a bark-lined nest in a tree hole or hollow stump and lays two white eggs. La especie construye un nido forrado de corteza en el hueco de un árbol o tronco hueco y pone dos huevos blancos.
Now, that hole is evidence of infection within the bone itself, the pus from which is draining through this hole. Ahora, ese hueco es prueba de infección dentro del hueso mismo, cuyo pus estuvo drenando a través de este hueco.
In case of vehicles of category M1 the width of the hole or gap shall not exceed 40 mm without having to take into account its length. En el caso de los vehículos de la categoría M1, si el orificio o hueco no supera los 40 mm de ancho, habrá que tener en cuenta su longitud.
The prescribed maximum space may locally be exceeded in the case it is measured at a hole or gap within the surface of patterned mesh or between the parallel bars of the surface of grille. El espacio máximo establecido podrá superarse localmente cuando se mida en un orificio o hueco en el interior de la superficie de malla de figuras geométricas o entre las barras paralelas de la superficie de rejilla.

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Hole, cavity - Hueco (The 2760th Most Common Spanish Word)

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