Happy, fortunate - Feliz (The 908th Most Common Spanish Word)
The translation for Happy, fortunate in Spanish is Feliz. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about emotions. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 908th most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: happy, fortunate
Spanish: feliz
I just thought you were happy. | Simplemente pensé que eras feliz. |
You could've been happy. | Podrías haber sido feliz. |
You have the right to be happy. | Tienes derecho a ser feliz. |
Nobody wants you to be happy. | Nadie quiere que seas feliz. |
We just want you to be happy. | Solo queremos que seas feliz. |
I was happy yesterday. | Ayer estaba yo feliz. |
I said I would make her happy. | Dije que la haría feliz. |
Your letter made me happy. | Su carta me hizo feliz. |
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I'll make you happy no matter what happens. | Te haré feliz pase lo que pase. |
He feels very happy. | Él se siente muy feliz. |
I'm happy with my girlfriend. | Soy feliz con mi novia. |
I thought that you were happy. | Creía que eras feliz. |
I'm trying to be happy. | Estoy tratando de ser feliz. |
Happy is the man who finds a good wife. | Feliz es el hombre que encuentra una buena esposa. |
You should be happy. | Se supone que estás feliz. |
I'm really happy about your father. | Estoy muy feliz por tu padre. |
I am very happy for you | ¡Estoy muy feliz por ti |
I promise that you'll be happy. | Te prometo que vas a ser feliz. |
I'm happy that you're happy. | Estoy feliz de que estés feliz. |
He seemed to have been very happy. | Él parecía haber sido muy feliz. |
I'm happy to be alive. | Estoy feliz de estar viva. |