Feature, trait - Rasgo (The 2183rd Most Common Spanish Word)
The translation for Feature, trait in Spanish is Rasgo. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, media & it, people. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2183rd most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
English: feature, trait
Spanish: rasgo
It also depends on whether the trait is dominant or recessive. | También depende de si el rasgo es dominante o recesivo. |
Each component is a characteristic feature of the Campagnolo brand. | Cada componente representa un rasgo característico de la marca Campagnolo. |
The common trait in this public demand is its irregularity. | El rasgo común a esta demanda pública es su irregularidad. |
But the Tregothnan estate has a unique feature: its gardens. | Pero la propiedad Tregothnan tiene un rasgo inconfundible: sus jardines. |
Sculpting the ground is a distinctive feature of their work. | Esculpir la tierra es un rasgo distintivo de su trabajo. |
The second feature of this great game is the plot. | El segundo rasgo de este gran juego es el complot. |
In what its feature and difference from other grain | ¿En que su rasgo y la diferencia de otros cereales |
And we have the positive trait of Mercury, intelligence. | Y tenemos el rasgo positivo de Mercurio, la inteligencia. |
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This unusual feature is drowned in the routine of the consciousness. | Este rasgo inusual es ahogado en la rutina de la conciencia. |
The traveller gene was clearly a Rubens' family trait. | El gen viajero era claramente un rasgo familiar de Rubens. |
Autoflowering is a trait inherited from the wild ruderalis species. | Autofloreciente es un rasgo heredado por la especie silvestre ruderalis. |
This is generally a trait peculiar to the strong man. | Esto es generalmente un rasgo peculiar del hombre fuerte. |
Froukje recognize this feminine trait also to himself. | Froukje reconocer este rasgo femenino también a sí mismo. |
This is an essential feature of every democratically elected assembly. | Este es un rasgo esencial de cualquier asamblea elegida democráticamente. |
This is the most visible trait of the divided city. | Este es el rasgo más visible de la ciudad escindida. |
Furthermore, bragging about longevity is a normal human trait. | Además, jactarse sobre la longevidad es un rasgo humano normal. |
This is the same trait that can be seen in London. | Este es el mismo rasgo que se divisa en Londres. |
Join the club, but this is not a learned trait. | Únete al club, pero no es un rasgo aprendido. |
This is a Silicon Valley trait more than anything thoughtful. | Este es un rasgo de Silicon Valley más que nada reflexivo. |
In this journey, a main trait of technoscience will be emphasized. | En este viaje, un rasgo principal de la tecnociencia será acentuado. |
Almost always the cause of the deviation is a hereditary trait. | Casi siempre la causa de la desviación es un rasgo hereditario. |