Fall - Caer (The 251st Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Fall is Caer. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 251st most commonly used word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about activities & movements, numbers & quantity, society. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: fall

es Spanish: caer


en es
The tree was ready to fall at any moment. El árbol se podía caer en cualquier momento.
I'm afraid to fall. Tengo miedo de caer.
You'll fall down. Te vas a caer.
Falling on ice hurts. Duele caer sobre el hielo.
I let it fall. Yo lo dejo caer.
He hurt himself upon falling. Él se lastimó al caer.
I knew you wouldn't fall for it. Yo sabía que tú no ibas a caer en eso.
He hurt himself upon falling. Él se lastimó al caer.

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Fall - Caer (The 251st Most Common Spanish Word)
What defines us is how well we arise after falling. Lo que nos define es lo bien que nos levantemos después de caer.
How to adopt new technologies without falling into mere spectacularisation ¿Cómo adoptar las nuevas tecnologías sin caer en la mera espectacularización
With this announcement, the proverbial dominoes began to fall. Con este anuncio, los proverbiales dominós comenzaron a caer.
Flip your ball to fall down the pyramids of cans. Voltear su bola para caer las pirámides de latas.
Sometimes, a monkey can fall off a branch too. A veces, un mono puede caer de una rama también.
This way the plant will be safe, no danger of falling. Esta manera la planta será segura, ningún peligro de caer.
Description You may fall in love with this smart design. Descripción Usted puede caer en amor con este diseño inteligente.
Even the snow seemed to fall more gently in that direction. Incluso la nieve parecía caer más suavemente en esa dirección.
At this instant () the second rod begins to fall freely downwards. En ese mismo momento () la segunda varilla empieza a caer libremente.
A true believer can fall and fail in many ways. Un verdadero creyente puede caer y fallar de muchas maneras.
The tears of Uther Pendragon have only begun to fall. Las lágrimas de Uther Pendragon solo han comenzado a caer.
This guy had to fall here on the road now. Este hombre tenía que caer aquí en el camino ahora.
The stars may fall at the left, center or right. Las estrellas pueden caer a la izquierda, centro o derecha.

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Fall - Caer (The 251st Most Common Spanish Word)

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