Except for, but - Salvo (The 1522nd Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Except for, but is Salvo. It can be used as preposition. It is the 1522nd most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A2 word. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: except for, but

es Spanish: salvo


en es
There was nothing to do but wait until the next morning. No había nada que hacer salvo esperar a la mañana siguiente.
All the crew left except for Tom. Todos los tripulantes se marcharon salvo Tom.
What is life but a series of coincidences ¿Qué es la vida salvo una serie de coincidencias
The bus was empty except for one elderly woman. El bus iba vacía salvo por una anciana.
Nothing but the best for my brother and his beautiful bride. Nada salvo lo mejor para mi hermano y su preciosa novia.
All but 2% of the continent is covered by it. Todo salvo el 2% del contienete está cubierto por él.
The thief on the cross was saved but not baptized. El ladrón en la cruz fue salvo pero no bautizado.
The pattern holds, except for the elephant in the room. El patrón encaja, salvo por el elefante en la habitación.

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Except for, but - Salvo (The 1522nd Most Common Spanish Word)
And we have nothing but a few seconds of interview. Y no tenemos nada salvo unos pocos segundos de entrevista.
It was empty, except for a quote on the last page. Estaba vacío, salvo una cita en la última página.
Well, except for the guy who thought Timmy was you. Bueno, salvo el tipo que pensó que Timmy eras tú.
It's dark in there, except for a kind of glow. Está oscuro ahí dentro, salvo un tipo de resplandor.
The war has disappeared except for some articles here and there. La guerra ha desaparecido salvo algunos artículos de aquí y allá.
Perfect, except for the fact that you can't walk. Perfecto, salvo el hecho de que casi no puedes caminar.
Don't expect anything else, except for more ninjas and squirrels (!). No esperes nada más, salvo más ninjas y ardillas (!).
The property is delivered furnished and equipped except for personal effects. La propiedad se entrega amueblada y equipada salvo efectos personales.
And except for very rare occasions, that goes unremarked, unnoticed. Y salvo en ocasiones muy raras, que pasa desapercibido, inadvertido.
It's the worst form of government except for all the others. Es la peor forma de gobierno salvo por las otras.
It's a clone in every way, except for this. Es un clon en todo sentido, salvo por esto.
I'm fine except for the bright light shining in my eye. Estoy bien salvo por la luz brillante en mi ojo.
Perfect except for the fact that he kisses like a chicken. Perfecto, salvo por el hecho de que besa como pollo.

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Except for, but - Salvo (The 1522nd Most Common Spanish Word)

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