Drawer - Cajón (The 2952nd Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Drawer is Cajón. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2952nd most common word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about house. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: drawer

es Spanish: cajón


en es
The desk drawer is open. El cajón del escritorio está abierto.
Tom has a drawer full of USB cables. Tom tiene un cajón lleno de cables USB.
I opened the top drawer. Abrí el cajón de arriba.
Close the drawer. Cierra el cajón.
I forgot to lock the drawer. Se me olvidó cerrar con llave el cajón.
Wooden cot with narrow band, decoration and large drawer. Cuna de madera con banda estrecha, decoración y gran cajón.
This beautiful Hübsch cabinet is made of oak with drawer. Este hermoso gabinete Hübsch está hecho de roble con cajón.
It's been on the bottom of a drawer ever since. Desde entonces ha estado en el fondo de un cajón.

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Drawer - Cajón (The 2952nd Most Common Spanish Word)
Flies, still with the brands of drawer broken in his head. Vuela, todavía con las marcas del cajón roto en su cabeza.
Every drawer, closet, cupboard is filled to the brim. Cada cajón, armario, armario está lleno hasta el borde.
Soon, my child with the diary in the top drawer. Pronto, hija mia con el diario en el cajón superior.
My diary was in a drawer in my bedroom. Mi diario estaba en un cajón en mi habitación.
I got a drawer in the morgue full of evidence. Tengo un cajón en la morgue llena de pruebas.
It has a drawer and fixed interior compartments.Measure - 63.5x48x34 cm. Tiene un cajón y compartimentos interiores fijos.Medida - 63,5x48x34 cm.
This kind of trolley has 2 layers with one drawer. Este tipo de carro tiene 2 capas con un cajón.
In the drawer to your left, it is your site. En el cajón a tu izquierda, que es su sitio.
Put it in a drawer, but he picked the lock. Lo puse en un cajón, pero él forzó la cerradura.
If it's too old-fashioned, just stick it in a drawer. Está pasado de moda, solo guárdalo en un cajón.
Under the panel is a spacious drawer with wooden guides. Debajo del panel hay un amplio cajón con guías de madera.
It has a door, a drawer and an open shelf. Tiene una puerta, un cajón y un estante abierto.
Equipped with a drawer, basket and movable shelf. Equipado con un cajón, la cesta y estante móvil.

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Drawer - Cajón (The 2952nd Most Common Spanish Word)

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