Divide, deliver, distribute - Repartir (The 2161st Most Common Spanish Word)
The translation for Divide, deliver, distribute in Spanish is Repartir. This word often comes up when talking about location & place, numbers & quantity, negotiations, shops & services, cooperation, being & changes, economy & manufacturing. It can be used as verb. It is the 2161st most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B1 word. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: divide, deliver, distribute
Spanish: repartir
Can you deliver this | ¿Le importaría repartir esto |
Example: We have 20 chocolates to distribute among 5 friends. | Ejemplo: Tenemos 20 bombones para repartir entre 5 amigos. |
Okay, you'll never have to deliver another pizza in your life. | Vale, nunca tendrás que repartir otra pizza en tu vida. |
Santa Claus to distribute gifts to children want to surprise. | Santa Claus a repartir regalos a los niños quiere sorprender. |
Everyone hurried out so quickly, I couldn't distribute the study. | Todos salieron tan deprisa, que no pude repartir el estudio. |
He has a fleet of taxis to distribute drugs. | Tiene una flota de taxis para repartir la droga. |
The quartermaster distributed the provisions among the soldiers. | El factor se encargó de repartir los víveres entre los soldados. |
It was forbidden to distribute the population geographically on the basis of any affiliation. | Está prohibido repartir a la población geográficamente siguiendo criterios de afiliación. |
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Now, we're going to distribute the presents. | Ahora vamos a repartir los regalos. |
The cake that we are distributing is not going to become any bigger because there are more hungry people. | El pastel que queremos repartir no crece con hambre. |
We would be prepared to register a lot of people on site and distribute rooms as they come. | Estaríamos preparados para inscribirlos y repartir habitaciones conforme fueran llegando. |
Imagine that you want to distribute discount vouchers in Amazon. | Imagina que quieres repartir vales descuento en Amazon. |
Massage your head gently to distribute the product well. | Masajéalo delicadamente para repartir mejor la mascarilla. |
You do not have to receive or distribute orders. | No hay que recibir ni repartir pedidos. |
To deliver campaign materials, posters etc. | Repartir material de la campaña, carteles, etc... |
Internal deflector to distribute the air flow correctly. | Disponemos de 3 modelos para Deflector interior para repartir correctamente el flujo del aire. |
30 Vertical miniportfolio A5 16 pages to distribute to interested Editories. | 30 miniportfolio A5 vertical de 16 páginas para repartir a los editories interesados. |
Example: We have 20 chocolates to distribute among 5 friends. | Ejemplo: Tenemos 20 bombones para repartir entre 5 amigos. |
Divide the cake among you three. | Repartan la torta entre ustedes tres. |
Letters are delivered here about noon. | Las cartas se reparten aquí sobre mediodía. |
The teacher distributed the leaflets. | El profesor repartió panfletos. |
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This word appears in the following categories
Location & Place
Numbers & Quantity
Shops & Services
Being & Changes
Economy & Manufacturing