Distance - Distancia (The 944th Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Distance is Distancia. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 944th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about location & place. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common Spanish words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: distance

es Spanish: distancia


en es
I saw a light in the distance. Vi una luz en la distancia.
The image looks better at a distance. La imagen se ve mejor a distancia.
At a distance, the ship looks like an island. A la distancia, el barco parece una isla.
I'm alone, the distance that stretches from body to body, is as great as that from soul to soul. Estoy solo, la distancia que va de cuerpo a cuerpo, es tan grande como la que hay de alma a alma.
The distance from my home to yours is two kilometers. La distancia desde mi casa a la tuya es de dos kilómetros.
It happened that I saw my friend walking in the distance. De casualidad, vi a mi amigo caminando en la distancia.
I saw land in the distance. Vi tierra a la distancia.
I made out a tower in the distance. Divisé una torre a la distancia.

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Distance - Distancia (The 944th Most Common Spanish Word)
Your intelligence is as vast as the distance between Bombay and Mumbai. Tu inteligencia es tan extensa como la distancia entre Bombay y Mumbai.
Love overcomes any distance. El amor vence cualquier distancia.
About the theatrical act: a matter of words and distance. Sobre el acto teatral: un asunto de palabras y distancia.
The actual distance in miles is about 6 trillion.] La distancia real en millas es alrededor de 6 trillones].
As adults we admire the lap from a nostalgic distance. Como adultos admiramos el regazo desde una distancia nostálgica.
The horizontal angle is calculated simultaneously with the distance measurement. El ángulo horizontal se calcula simultáneamente con la medición de distancia.
Distance covered during the tour: approximately 100 km (62 mi) Distancia recorrida durante la visita: aproximadamente 100 kilómetros (62 millas)
The distance between both cities is approximately 500 kilometers. La distancia entre ambas ciudades es de aproximadamente 500 kilómetros.
Yeah, and the distance between punctures is approximately three centimeters. Sí, y la distancia entre las punciones es aproximadamente tres centímetros.
The distance between the two projects is approximately 300 meters. La distancia entre los dos proyectos es de aproximadamente 300 metros.
Deliveries arrive in 12-36 hours, depending on the distance. Las entregas llegan en 12-36 horas, dependiendo de la distancia.
Tamagordas - San Emiliano (at a distance of 0.000 kilometers) Tamagordas - San Emiliano (a una distancia de 0.000 kilómetros)
Stanley Draper Lazo Verde (at a distance of 0.000 kilometers) Stanley Draper Lazo Verde (a una distancia de 0.000 kilómetros)

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Distance - Distancia (The 944th Most Common Spanish Word)

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