Desert - Desierto (The 2466th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish translation for Desert is Desierto. This word often comes up when talking about nature & weather. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2466th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
English: desert
Spanish: desierto
There's no water at all in this desert. | No hay nada de agua en este desierto. |
It's deserted. | Está desierto. |
The place was totally deserted. | El lugar estaba completamente desierto. |
We got lost in the desert with no water or food. | Nos perdimos en el desierto sin agua y sin comida. |
One third of the earth's surface is desert. | Un tercio de la superficie terrestre es desierto. |
The Sahara is a vast desert. | El Sáhara es un desierto grande. |
A vast desert lay before us. | Un vasto desierto se extiende ante nosotros. |
Desert sand cools off rapidly at night. | La arena del desierto se enfría rápidamente por la noche. |
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Crossing that desert is dangerous. | Es peligroso atravesar ese desierto. |
The mall is deserted. | El centro comercial está desierto. |
They went trudging across the desert. | Ellos cruzaron fatigosamente el desierto. |
In the desert, I think. | En el desierto, pienso yo. |
This is a desert flower. | Esta es una flor del desierto. |
The campsite was totally deserted. | El sitio de acampada estaba totalmente desierto. |
The holy writings come from desert people. | Las sagradas escrituras vienen de gente del desierto. |
The place is completely deserted. | El lugar está completamente desierto. |
The place is almost deserted. | El lugar está casi desierto. |
The place is apparently deserted. | El lugar está aparentemente desierto. |
The desert had its own music. | El desierto tenía su propia música. |
I hate the desert. | Odio el desierto. |
Bedouins live in the desert. | Los beduinos viven en el desierto. |