Decree, order - Decreto (The 2799th Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Decree, order is Decreto. This word often comes up when talking about house, shops & services, location & place, law, cooperation. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2799th most common word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: decree, order

es Spanish: decreto


en es
The general rule was established in 2012 by decree No. La norma general fue establecida en 2012 por decreto No.
To establish whether the modification introduced by Legislative Decree No. Para establecer si la modificación introducida por el Decreto Legislativo No.
Royal decree 240/2007, of february 16th: the new legal regime for the communitarian citizens in Spain. El real decreto 240/2007, del 16 de febrero: el nuevo régimen jurídico de los ciudadanos comunitarios en España.
Royal Decree 304/2004, of 20th february, approving the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds. Real Decreto 304/2004, de 20 de febrero, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Planes y Fondos de Pensiones.
In specific circumstances, a court can grant a Nullity Decree. En determinadas circunstancias, un tribunal puede conceder un Decreto de Nulidad.
There was a respect for us in the horrible decree. Había un respeto por nosotros en el decreto horrible.
The Pope issues a decree that we must all obey. El Papa emite un decreto que todos debemos obedecer.
There were three kinds of opposition to the presidential decree. Hubo tres tipos de oposición al decreto presidencial.

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Decree, order - Decreto (The 2799th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Sultan appoints the President of the Council by royal decree. El Sultán designa el Presidente del Consejo por decreto real.
Application of the tax advantages as Decree Law No. Aplicación de las ventajas fiscales como el Decreto Ley No.
The guidelines were issued in line with the aforementioned decree. Las pautas estaban redactadas de conformidad con el decreto mencionado.
As a matter of fact, since the year 2000, the bicycle sector is included within the so-called ‘Mexican Sectorial Promotion Programs’ (PROSEC) established by a decree published on 30 October 2000 by the Mexican Government. De hecho, desde el año 2000, el sector de la bicicleta está incluido en los Programas de Promoción Sectorial (Prosec) de México establecidos mediante un Decreto publicado el 30 de octubre de 2000 por el Gobierno mexicano.
This goal was reflected in the signing of Decree No. Ello se refleja en la firma del Decreto No.
Saturday's decree shut down the government-owned electric company Luz y Fuerza del Centro. El decreto del sábado había decidido extinguir a la empresa paraestatal Luz y Fuerza del Centro.
If he has not objection, he issues a Decree of Introduction. Si no tiene objeciones, emite un Decreto de Introducción.
Mechanism for the allocation of funds provided by the presidential decree. Mecanismo para la asignación de fondos proporcionados por el decreto presidencial.
President Abbas has issued a presidential order cancelling that appointment. El Presidente Abbas ha emitido un decreto presidencial cancelando dicho nombramiento.
Likewise, His decree can be of a legislative nature. Así mismo, Su decreto puede ser de naturaleza legislativa.
Based upon section 7 of the legislative decree n. Basado en la sección 7 del decreto legislativo n.
This error has been eliminated in 1582 by daddy Grigory XIII who have published the decree according to whom put on October, 5th followed consider on October, 15th. Este error era eliminado en 1582 por el papá Grigory XIII que ha publicado el decreto, conforme a que pon el 5 de octubre era necesario contar el 15 de octubre.
The decree also contains provisions for responding to radiological emergencies. El decreto contiene también disposiciones para responder a emergencias radiológicas.

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Decree, order - Decreto (The 2799th Most Common Spanish Word)

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