Curtain, screen - Cortina (The 2604th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Curtain, screen is Cortina. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about house, media & it. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2604th most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: curtain, screen

es Spanish: cortina


en es
The curtain caught fire. La cortina se prendió fuego.
This carpet does not match the curtain. Esta alfombra no va con la cortina.
Let's hide behind the curtain. Ocultémonos detrás de la cortina.
Who is hiding behind the curtain ¿Quién se esconde tras la cortina
She pulled the curtain aside. Ella corrió la cortina.
The curtain fell. La cortina cayó.
The curtain caught on fire. La cortina se prendió en llamas.
Tom hid himself behind the curtain. Tom se ocultó detrás de la cortina.

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Curtain, screen - Cortina (The 2604th Most Common Spanish Word)
The hall needs a new curtain. La sala necesita una cortina nueva.
Tom was hiding behind the curtain. Tom estaba escondido atrás de la cortina.
The curtain can burn. La cortina puede quemarse.
A curtain of mist blocked our view. Una cortina de neblina bloqueó nuestra visión.
It is therefore to be classified under CN code 63039210 as a curtain or interior blind, of synthetic fibres. Por lo tanto, debe clasificarse en el código 63039210 como un visillo o cortina de tela sin tejer de fibras sintéticas.
The installed perimeter curtain covers a distance of 370 metres. La cortina perimetral instalada abarca una distancia de 370 metros.
If the curtain is installed, the position is more flexible. Si la cortina está instalada, la posición es más flexible.
If so, then we prepare this modern curtain for you. Si es así, entonces preparamos esta cortina moderno para usted.
The mind is like a curtain and its threads. La mente es como una cortina y sus hilos.
Install the curtain always 30 cm and window widths. Instalar la cortina siempre 30 cm y ventanas anchuras.
The curtain was renovated and designed by the artist Antoni Miró. La cortina fue renovada y diseñada por el artista Antoni Miró.
Its majestic entrance is decorated with a spectacular curtain of Bougainvilleas. Su majestuosa entrada está decorada con una espectacular cortina de Buanvillas.
Nautica offers a sophisticated shower curtain in classic colors. Nautica ofrece una cortina de ducha sofisticada en colores clásicos.

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Curtain, screen - Cortina (The 2604th Most Common Spanish Word)

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