Crying, weeping - Llanto (The 2489th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Crying, weeping in Spanish is Llanto. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2489th most commonly used word in Spanish. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common Spanish words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: crying, weeping

es Spanish: llanto


en es
Laughter is more contagious than crying. La risa es más contagiosa que el llanto.
There is no weeping in Heaven nor cause for it. No hay llanto en el Cielo, ni causa para ello.
Or your child may become tired and weak from crying. O su hijo puede cansarse y debilitarse por el llanto.
He ultimately found her but only miserably weeping and upset. Él finalmente la encontró, pero solo miserablemente llanto y malestar.
Weeping is a mechanism that lets go of sorrow. El llanto es un mecanismo que deja ir al dolor.
These two forms of crying are expressed in the greek text with two different verbs. Estas dos formas de llanto vienen expresadas en el texto griego con dos verbos distintos.
The second reason for crying during infancy is less well understood. La segunda razón del llanto durante la infancia es mucho menos comprendida.
The answer is that the Teruah is not our crying. La respuesta es que el Teruah no es nuestro llanto.

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Crying, weeping - Llanto (The 2489th Most Common Spanish Word)
Often crying accompanies the intervention of the Holy Spirit. A menudo el llanto acompaña la intervención del Espíritu Santo.
The crying of an owl is a good omen. El llanto de un búho es un buen augurio.
This is another very common reason for infant crying. Esta es otra razón muy común para el llanto infantil.
Prayer must have a combination of rejoicing and crying. La oración debe tener una combinación de júbilo y el llanto.
Remember all those months of crying in the hospital... Recuerda todos los meses de llanto en el hospital.
We come to the time of losing, weeping and mourning. Llegamos a la hora de perder, llanto y el luto.
In the midst of joy, weeping and cries of lamentation. En medio de la alegría, llanto y gritos de lamentaciones.
Moreover, the meetings were marked by fervent praying and weeping. Además, las reuniones eran marcadas por llanto y oración ferviente.
Cicciobello function with weeping, dressed as a magical and fanciful unicorn. Cicciobello función con llanto, vestido como un mágico y de fantasía unicornio.
When did this weeping for Jerusalem and its temple start ¿Cuándo se inició este llanto por Jerusalén y su templo
After this weeping he is finally ready for his mission. Tras este llanto ya está preparado para su misión.
Third, the law is necessary to cause humbling, mourning and weeping. Tercero, la ley es necesaria para causar humillación, lamento y llanto.
In weeping oil and stone adorned with movies. En llanto aceite y piedra adornada con películas.

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Crying, weeping - Llanto (The 2489th Most Common Spanish Word)

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