Construct, build - Construir (The 608th Most Common Spanish Word)
The translation for Construct, build in Spanish is Construir. It is the 608th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about activities & movements, environment & living. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
English: construct, build
Spanish: construir
Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. | Toma mi mano. Los dos vamos a construir una utopía. |
I hope to build a new house next year. | Espero construir una nueva casa el año que viene. |
I think it'll take more than a year to finish building our house. | Creo que va a llevar más de un año para terminar de construir nuestra casa. |
I cannot build a house. I don't have money. | No puedo construir una casa. No tengo dinero. |
His plan is to build a bridge over that river. | Su plan es construir un puente por sobre ese río. |
They want to build a fence around their home. | Ellos quieren construir una cerca alrededor de su casa. |
My father has bought land with a view to building a house. | Mi padre ha comprado un terreno con miras a construir una casa. |
I like to build bridges. | Me gusta construir puentes. |
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We are not going to construct buildings in Portugal. | No vamos a construir edificios en Portugal. |
After reading his books I feel I can construct a house. | Después de leer sus libros me siento capaz de construir una casa. |
In each level you will be able to build something different. | En cada nivel usted será capaz de construir algo diferente. |
We must build a dialogue in a language acceptable to many. | Debemos construir un diálogo en un idioma aceptable para muchos. |
You can build a city according to your own plan. | Se puede construir una ciudad de acuerdo a su propio plan. |
Of course, the greatest achievement is not to build infrastructure. | Por supuesto, el mayor logro no es construir infraestructura. |
We are here to remember, to acknowledge and to build. | Estamos aquí para recordar, para reconocer y para construir. |
Having a storefront will help you to advertise and build your brand. | Tener un escaparate te ayudará a promocionar y construir tu marca. |
The sole aim is to build capacity and gain external markets. | El único propósito es construir capacidad y ganar mercados externos. |
The greatest ambition: to build equality, this is the greatest dream. | La mayor ambición: construir equidad, que es el mayor sueño. |
And they can't build another wall in the same place. | Y no pueden construir otro muro en el mismo lugar. |
But I learned to build a wall around those emotions. | Pero aprendí a construir un muro alrededor de esas emociones. |
The trucks have gotten their assignment and are ready to build | ¡Los camiones tienen su tarea y están listos para construir |