Constitute, consist of - Constituir (The 709th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Constitute, consist of is Constituir. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 709th most common word in Spanish. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: constitute, consist of

es Spanish: constituir


en es
The air mainly consists of oxygen and nitrogen. El aire está constituido principalmente de oxígeno y nitrógeno.
Why not constitute an official commission to study the matter ¿Por qué no constituir una comisión oficial que estudie la cuestión
Such conduct also may constitute theft and violate the law. Tal conducta podría constituir robo y violación a la ley.
Acts likely to constitute a conflict of interests and procedure Actos susceptibles de constituir un conflicto de intereses y procedimiento
They could constitute a serious danger to the Republic of Haiti. Podrían constituir un peligro serio para la República de Haití.
Providing misleading, fraudulent or false information may constitute an offence. El suministro de información engañosa, fraudulenta o falsa puede constituir un delito.
However, such transfer does not suffice to constitute the pledge. Ahora bien, esa transferencia, no bastará para constituir la prenda.
A series of unilateral declarations can constitute binding agreements. Una serie de declaraciones unilaterales puede constituir acuerdos vinculantes.

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Constitute, consist of - Constituir (The 709th Most Common Spanish Word)
But totalizm from the definition cannot constitute a religion. Pero el totalizm de la definición no puede constituir una religión.
Powerpills cannot constitute an alternative to a varied food. Powerpills no puede constituir una alternativa a una alimentación variada.
Powepills cannot constitute an alternative to a varied food. Powerpills no puede constituir una alternativa a una alimentación variada.
This treatment could constitute a reprisal for their role as defenders. Este tratamiento podría constituir una represalia por sus roles como defensores.
Greece claims that this measure could constitute compatible restructuring aid. Grecia afirma que esta medida podría constituir ayuda de reestructuración compatible.
An involuntary transfer of the complainant could constitute unlawful retaliation. La transferencia involuntaria del reclamante podría constituir una represalia ilícita.
The information reviewed was considered insufficient to constitute a clarification. La información recibida fue estimada insuficiente para constituir una aclaración.
The investment objectives should constitute one of those elements. Los objetivos de inversión deben constituir uno de dichos elementos.
These new procedures appear to constitute an improvement to the process. Esos nuevos procedimientos parecen constituir una mejora del proceso.
This would also appear to constitute a special trading benefit. Esto parecería constituir un beneficio comercial especial.
None of the above-mentioned restrictions is such as to constitute racial discrimination. Ninguna de las restricciones expuestas podrá constituir discriminación racial.
These funds could constitute the necessary seed capital to get projects off the ground. Estos recursos podrían constituir el capital inicial necesario para impulsar proyectos.
They would also have to constitute incentives to achieve the policy objectives set. También deberán constituir incentivos para alcanzar los objetivos políticos citados.

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Constitute, consist of - Constituir (The 709th Most Common Spanish Word)

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