Consensus, consent - Consenso (The 2842nd Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Consensus, consent is Consenso. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2842nd most common word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about negotiations, cooperation. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: consensus, consent

es Spanish: consenso


en es
We request that this draft decision be adopted by consensus. Solicitamos que este proyecto de decisión sea aprobado por consenso.
Minimum acceptable survival: results of a consensus of experts. Mínima supervivencia aceptable: resultados de un consenso de expertos.
He urged the Committee to adopt the text by consensus. Exhorta a la Comisión a aprobar el texto por consenso.
The Trade Committee shall adopt its decisions by consensus. 2. El Comité de Comercio adoptará sus decisiones por consenso. 2.
The EPA Committee shall adopt its decisions and recommendations by consensus. El Comité AAE adoptará sus decisiones y recomendaciones por consenso.
The Sub-committee on Intellectual Property will adopt its decisions by consensus. El Subcomité sobre Propiedad Intelectual adoptará sus decisiones por consenso.
The Trade Committee shall adopt decisions and recommendations by consensus. El Comité de Comercio adoptará sus decisiones y recomendaciones por consenso.
The group shall adopt its opinions, recommendations or reports by consensus. El Grupo aprobará sus dictámenes, recomendaciones o informes por consenso.

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Consensus, consent - Consenso (The 2842nd Most Common Spanish Word)
This consensus began to emerge more than twenty years ago. Este consenso comenzó a surgir hace más de veinte años.
The Committee should approve the working group's recommendation by consensus. El Comité debería aprobar la recomendación del grupo por consenso.
This argument created a consensus about nuclear deterrent in France. Este razonamiento creó un consenso sobre la disuasión nuclear en Francia.
The board should attempt to make all decisions by consensus. El consejo debería intentar tomar todas la decisiones por consenso.
This seems to have become a consensus in the industry. Esto parece haberse convertido en un consenso en la industria.
That is also the broad consensus of the international community. Este es también el consenso general de la comunidad internacional.
We commit to translate that consensus into concrete action. Nos comprometemos a plasmar ese consenso en medidas concretas.
You're looking for a consensus you can present in court ¿Estás buscando un consenso que puedas presentar en el tribunal
In that regard, the importance of consensus is crucial. En ese sentido, la importancia del consenso es crucial.
The Meeting adopted the draft decision by consensus (SPLOS/147). La Reunión adoptó el proyecto de decisión por consenso (SPLOS/147).
We hope this draft resolution will be adopted by consensus. Esperamos que este proyecto de resolución se apruebe por consenso.
We hope that the draft resolution will be adopted by consensus. Esperamos que el proyecto de resolución sea aprobado por consenso.
He hoped the draft resolution would be adopted by consensus. Espera que el proyecto de resolución sea aprobado por consenso.

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Consensus, consent - Consenso (The 2842nd Most Common Spanish Word)

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