Companion, classmate - Compañero (The 551st Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish word for Companion, classmate is Compañero. This word often comes up when talking about family & relationships, education. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 551st most common word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: companion, classmate
Spanish: compañero
He runs as fast as any other classmate. | Él corre tan rápido como cualquier otro compañero de clase. |
His dog is his good companion. | Su perro es su buen compañero. |
He is my classmate. | Él es mi compañero de clase. |
My sister got married with her classmate from high school. | Mi hermana se casó con su compañero de clase del instituto. |
And you know, there's someone what could be his companion. | Y usted sabe, hay alguien que puede ser su compañero. |
My name is Gallus and this is my companion Daphnis. | Mi nombre es Gallus y este es mi compañero Daphnis. |
We have been talking to this Doctor and his companion. | Hemos estado hablando con este médico y su compañero. |
It's so much more rewarding if you have a companion. | Es mucho más provechoso si tienes un compañero. |
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Your companion invites you to have supper in his room. | Tu compañero te invita a cenar en su habitación. |
If you want a companion, you must learn to communicate better. | Si quieres un compañero, tienes que aprender a comunicarte mejor. |
For five years, I've been your leader and your companion. | Durante cinco años, he sido tu cabeza y tu compañero. |
Describe the qualities you want in your ideal companion. | Describe las cualidades que quieres en tu compañero ideal. |
You've decided to stay on as my companion, haven't you | Usted ha decidido permanecer como mi compañero, ¿no es cierto |
But with a companion, you don't have to decide. | Pero con un compañero, no tienes que decidir. |
But in any case he's my friend and a good companion. | Pero, en todo caso, es mi amigo y un buen compañero. |
I'm in a tent with Antonio, my new companion. | Yo estoy aquí en la carpa con Antonio, mi nuevo compañero. |
Er, we have a companion, a young lady on the ship. | Uh, tenemos un compañero una mujer joven en el barco. |
Let them help you find the companion for life. | Dejarles ayudarte a encontrar el compañero para toda la vida. |
She was the girl, the companion of Gusev. | Ella era la chica, el compañero de Gusev. |
Let Make-A-Match help you create your ideal companion. | Deja que Crea-Parejas te ayude a crear tu compañero ideal. |
My classmate told me he'd be glad to help me. | Mi compañero me dijo que estaría encantado de ayudarme. |