Close, intimate - Íntimo (The 2255th Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Close, intimate is Íntimo. This word often comes up when talking about family & relationships, lifestyle & free time, emotions. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2255th most common word in Spanish. It can be used as adjective. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: close, intimate

es Spanish: íntimo


en es
All the lights have to come in an intimate atmosphere. Todas las luces tienen que venir en un ambiente íntimo.
An elegant, intimate and romantic atmosphere to delight your senses. Un ambiente elegante, íntimo y romántico para deleitar sus sentidos.
Intimate and welcoming atmosphere, also very suitable for romantic evenings. Ambiente íntimo y acogedor, también muy adecuado para veladas románticas.
Create an intimate and cozy atmosphere for a romantic dinner. Crea un ambiente íntimo y acogedor para una cena romántica.
A bar with small tables for a more intimate atmosphere. Un bar con mesas pequeñas para un ambiente más íntimo.
Very intimate and fully private.Very good communication with host. Muy íntimo y completamente privado.Muy buena comunicación con el anfitrión.
This intimate boutique hotel offers eleven unique suites to choose from. Este íntimo hotel boutique ofrece once suites únicas para elegir.
There is an intimate connection between family, employment and education. Existe un vínculo íntimo entre familia, empleo y educación.

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Close, intimate - Íntimo (The 2255th Most Common Spanish Word)
Intimate or extraordinary, we'll help you create the perfect day. Íntimo o extraordinario, le ayudaremos a crear el día perfecto.
His advanced graduate classes and seminars were intimate and stimulating. Su avanzado clases de posgrado y seminarios íntimo y estimulante.
The hall is an intimate space outfitted in oak and brass. La sala es un espacio íntimo equipado en roble y bronce.
He was intimate with the great painter, Lucas Cranach [1472 - 1533]. Él era íntimo con el gran pintor, Lucas Cranach [1472 - 1533].
It is a unique space, very intimate and full of peace. Es un espacio único, muy íntimo y lleno de paz.
An intimate portrait of Violetta Valéry, Verdi's La Traviata. Un retrato íntimo de Violetta Valéry, La Traviata de Verdi.
Due to our intimate size any cancellations affect us significantly. Debido a nuestro tamaño íntimo, cualquier cancelación nos afecta significativamente.
Seiko strongly believes that the wrist watch is an intimate accessory. Seiko cree firmemente que el reloj es un accesorio íntimo.
When the intimate comfort is unbalanced, it's more than unpleasant Cuando el confort íntimo está desequilibrado, ¡es más que desagradable
Opened in 2003, VILLA SUNSET offers a tranquil and intimate atmosphere. Inaugurado en 2003, Villa Sunset ofrece un ambiente tranquilo e íntimo.
There is an intimate patio with patio on the courtyard. Hay un patio íntimo con patio en el patio.
It was unique and affordable, exotic and intimate, distant but close. Era único y asequible, exóticos e íntimo, distante pero cerrar.
The strong point of this feminine intimate Massager is its flexibility. El punto fuerte de este masajeador íntimo femenino es su flexibilidad.

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Close, intimate - Íntimo (The 2255th Most Common Spanish Word)

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