Change - Cambiar (The 255th Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Change is Cambiar. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about clothing, shops & services, transport & travel, being & changes. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 255th most common word in Spanish. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: change

es Spanish: cambiar


en es
I have to change clothes. Tengo que cambiar mi ropa.
I would like to exchange money. Quisiera cambiar dinero.
I made him change his plan. Le hice cambiar su plan.
I want to change my life. Quiero cambiar de vida.
I can't change this. No puedo cambiar esto.
We have to change something. Tenemos que cambiar algo.
I want to change the world. Quiero cambiar el mundo.
They want to change the law. Quieren cambiar la ley.

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Change - Cambiar (The 255th Most Common Spanish Word)
Just a moment, I'll change the song first. Momento, primero voy a cambiar la canción.
It is possible for us to know what has been achieved in the past, but it is not possible for us to change it. And it is possible for us to change the future, but it is not possible for us to know what will be achieved in it. El pasado lo podemos conocer pero no cambiar. El futuro lo podemos cambiar pero no conocer.
To change the subject. Para cambiar de tema.
I can't change these plans. No puedo cambiar estos planes.
I'd like to change my seat. Me gustaría cambiar mi asiento.
Nothing I heard at the meeting made me change my mind. Nada de lo que escuché en la reunión me hizo cambiar de opinión.
I'll change my shirt. Me voy a cambiar de camisa.
Nobody can change history, although many have tried. Nadie puede cambiar la historia, aunque muchos han tratado.
Some fish are able to change their sex. Algunos peces pueden cambiar de sexo.
I'd like to change my room. Quisiera cambiar de pieza.
You can change the language on your device in Settings Puedes cambiar el idioma en tu dispositivo en Ajustes
Let me exchange seats with you. Vamos a cambiar de lugar.
The meaning of words can change according to their context. El significado de las palabras puede cambiar según su contexto.

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Change - Cambiar (The 255th Most Common Spanish Word)

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