Calm, soothe, relieve - Calmar (The 2886th Most Common Spanish Word)
The translation for Calm, soothe, relieve in Spanish is Calmar. It is the 2886th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B2 word. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about people, nature & weather, emotions. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: calm, soothe, relieve
Spanish: calmar
This is a mild sedative, something to calm your nerves. | Este es un sedante suave, algo para calmar tus nervios. |
Nothing is able to calm the nostalgia of my soul. | Nada está capaz de calmar la nostalgia de mi alma. |
Balancing this chakra might help calm the central nervous system. | Equilibrar este chakra puede ayudar a calmar el sistema nervioso central. |
After inhaling, calm the mind infinitely at the one point. | Después de inhalar, calmar la mente infinitamente en el uno punto. |
This helps to calm your mind and prevents fatigue. | Esto ayuda a calmar la mente y evita la fatiga. |
To listen means to calm the agitations of the mind. | Para escuchar medios para calmar las agitaciones de la mente. |
What can be taken between hours to calm down hunger | ¿Qué se puede tomar entre horas para calmar el hambre |
To soothe your hands and feet in depth, follow this regimen. | Para calmar sus manos y pies en profundidad, siga este régimen. |
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Help entertain and soothe your little baby of joy. | Ayuda a entretener y calmar a tu pequeño bebé de alegría. |
Meet its fundamental needs: hydrate, restore radiance and soothe. | Satisfacer sus necesidades fundamentales: hidratar, restaurar la luminosidad y calmar. |
Neither can she stop to soothe their impatient worrying. | Ni tampoco puede detenerse para calmar sus congojas impacientes. |
Also, Cade is the perfect ingredient to soothe your skin. | Además, Cade es el ingrediente perfecto para calmar la piel. |
That would have been largely sufficient to calm his enthusiasm. | Esto habría sido ampliamente suficiente para calmar sus ardores. |
In this case, it is necessary to calm the nerve. | En este caso, es necesario calmar el nervio. |
It is also used occasionally to soothe digestion and transit. | También se utiliza en ocasiones para calmar la digestión y el tránsito. |
Fruits and vegetables: especially raw, are great to soothe your appetite. | Frutas y verduras:especialmente crudas, son buenísimas para calmar el apetito. |
For decades, mangos have been used to soothe the stomach. | Durante décadas, los mangos se han utilizado para calmar el estómago. |
I could sit down with her, maybe calm the storm. | Puedo sentarme con ella, tal vez calmar la tormenta. |
This tranquil beauty of the desert scenes will calm your mind. | Esta tranquila belleza de las escenas del desierto calmar la mente. |
Use the cold damp cotton pads to soothe the eyelids. | Utilice el frío almohadillas de algodón húmedo para calmar los párpados. |
It may also help you soothe your feelings of sadness. | También puede ayudarte a calmar tus sentimientos de tristeza. |