By means of - Mediante (The 652nd Most Common Spanish Word)
In Spanish, the word for By means of is Mediante. It can be used as preposition. It is the 652nd most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.
English: by means of
Spanish: mediante
We were able to get the cat out of the well by means of a bucket and a rope. | Pudimos sacar el gato del pozo mediante un cubo y una cuerda. |
Determination of the dead time to by means of a homologous series | Determinación del tiempo de retención de la fase móvil, t0, mediante una serie homóloga |
CONSIDERING the desire of the two Parties to promote the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources by means of cooperation, | CONSIDERANDO el deseo de ambas Partes de fomentar la explotación responsable de los recursos pesqueros mediante la cooperación, |
Following the exposure period prescribed in paragraph 2.1.4, an even layer of ice of 0,044 g/cm2 shall be applied over the entire outside surface of the windscreen by means of a water spray gun working at 3,5 ± 0,2 bar operating pressure. | Tras el período de exposición prescrito en el punto 2.1.4, se aplicará una capa uniforme de hielo de 0,044 g/cm2 en toda la cara exterior del parabrisas mediante un pulverizador de agua a una presión de 3,5 ± 0,2 bares. |
Grading of pig carcasses is carried out by means of the apparatus termed “Optiscan-TP”. | La clasificación de las canales de cerdo se hará mediante el dispositivo denominado “Optiscan-TP”. |
Grading of pig carcases is carried out by means of the apparatus known as “IM-03”. | La clasificación de las canales de porcino se llevará a cabo mediante el aparato denominado “IM-03”. |
The statistical sample was processed by means of descriptive statistic techniques. | La muestra probabilística se procesó mediante técnicas de estadística descriptiva. |
BIRKMAIER buildings are designed exclusively by means of CAD systems. | BIRKMAIER los edificios están diseñados exclusivamente mediante sistemas de CAD. |
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Removes anions and cations by means of ionic exchange columns. | Remueve aniones y cationes mediante columnas de intercambio iónico. |
Possibility to customize the interface by means of using skins. | Posibilidad de personalizar la interfaz mediante el uso de skins. |
These data are introduced by means of a programming console. | Estos datos se introducen mediante una consola de programación. |
These work by means of the innovative transdermal delivery system. | Estos trabajan mediante el innovador sistema de entrega transdérmica. |
The Spirit manifests in the Universe by means of Life. | El Espíritu se manifiesta en el Universo mediante la Vida. |
Methodology: Qualitative study by means of seven focal groups (37 women). | Metodología: Estudio cualitativo mediante siete grupos focales (37 mujeres). |
Two positions: subject directly to the railings or by means of arms. | Dos posiciones: sujeto directamente a la barandilla o mediante brazos. |
Payment is made without cash, by means of bank transfer. | El pago se realiza sin efectivo, mediante una transferencia bancaria. |
Raptiva is a medicine containing efalizumab, made by means of biotechnology. | Raptiva es un medicamento que contiene efalizumab, fabricado mediante biotecnología. |
The treatment is carried out by means of automated instruments (e.g. | El tratamiento se lleva a cabo mediante instrumentos automatizados (p. |
In most of the cases by means of an employment. | En la mayor parte de los casos mediante un empleo. |
Plants obtain these components by means of the photosynthesis process. | Las plantas obtienen estos componentes mediante el proceso llamado fotosíntesis. |
Can put in touch with our equipment by means of E-mail. | Puede ponerse en contacto con nuestro equipo mediante Correo electrónico. |