Buy - Comprar (The 361st Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Buy is Comprar. This word often comes up when talking about shops & services. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 361st most common word in Spanish. It can be used as verb. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: buy

es Spanish: comprar


en es
That is what I have wanted to buy. Eso es lo que he querido comprar.
I have enough money to buy this book. Tengo suficiente dinero para comprar este libro.
That is exactly what I wanted to buy. Eso es exactamente lo que quería comprar.
I have to buy one. Tengo que comprar una.
You can't buy it anywhere but there. Solo lo podéis comprar ahí.
I'll go out and buy one as soon as I can. Iré a comprar uno tan pronto como pueda.
I must buy one. Tengo que comprar uno de estos.
I want to buy. Quiero comprar.

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Buy - Comprar (The 361st Most Common Spanish Word)
I want to buy this. Quiero comprar eso.
He had no money, so he could not buy food. No tenía dinero, así que no podía comprar comida.
No one could buy anything. Nadie podía comprar nada.
I want to buy a new camera. Quiero comprar una cámara nueva.
He isn't going to buy a camera. No va a comprar ninguna cámara.
I want to buy the dress. Quiero comprar el vestido.
I really must buy that radio next time I am in New York. De veras tengo que comprar ese radio la próxima vez que esté en Nueva York.
I didn't feel like buying a car. No tenía ganas de comprar un coche.
The richest man in the world cannot buy her love. El hombre más rico del mundo no puede comprar su amor.
I didn't know which one to buy. No sabía cuál debía comprar.
The question is where to buy the book. La pregunta es dónde se puede comprar el libro.
He could buy bread and milk with the money he had. Él apenas tenía dinero suficiente para comprar pan y leche.
If I had money, I could buy it. Si tuviera dinero lo podría comprar.

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Buy - Comprar (The 361st Most Common Spanish Word)

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