Bridge - Puente (The 1715th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Bridge in Spanish is Puente. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about transport & travel. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 1715th most commonly used word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: bridge

es Spanish: puente


en es
The bridge is low. El puente es bajo.
That bridge is anything but safe. Ese puente es todo menos seguro.
It's dangerous to pass by the bridge. Es peligroso pasar por el puente.
There was once a bridge here. Aquí solía haber un puente.
The island needs a hospital, not a bridge. La isla necesita un hospital, no un puente.
There's a dog on the bridge. Hay un perro en el puente.
That bridge is very beautiful. Ese puente es muy bonito.
The bridge will be completed by the end of this year. El puente estará terminado a final de año.

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Bridge - Puente (The 1715th Most Common Spanish Word)
That bridge isn't long. Aquel puente no es largo.
This bridge is in New York. Este puente está en Nueva York.
That bridge is made of stone. Aquel puente está hecho de piedra.
The bridge is made of stone. El puente está hecho de piedra.
This bridge is built of stone. Este puente está hecho de piedra.
This bridge became famous among young people. Este puente se volvió famoso entre los jóvenes.
The soldiers' mission was to destroy the bridge. La misión de los soldados era destruir el puente.
That old bridge is anything but safe. Ese puente antiguo es cualquier cosa menos seguro.
His plan is to build a bridge over that river. Su plan es construir un puente por sobre ese río.
The bridge is built of wood. El puente está hecho de madera.
This bridge is made of wood. Este puente está hecho de madera.
I'll go with you as far as the bridge. Voy contigo hasta el puente.
It is dangerous to cross that old bridge. Es peligroso caminar por sobre ese viejo puente.

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Bridge - Puente (The 1715th Most Common Spanish Word)

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