Back, behind, ago - Atrás (The 599th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish word for Back, behind, ago is Atrás. It is the 599th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. It can be used as adverb. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, being & changes, location & place, time & frequency, communication, cooperation, sport. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.
English: back, behind, ago
Spanish: atrás
Take a step back. | Da un paso atrás. |
Now step back. | Ahora da un paso atrás. |
The sun set a while ago. | El sol se puso hace un rato atrás. |
He fell backward. | Él se cayó para atrás. |
Don't back up. There's a tree behind you. | No des marcha atrás. Hay un árbol detrás de ti. |
I'm counting on you not to back out. | Cuento con usted, no se vaya a echar atrás. |
I had forgotten that I had met her several years ago. | Había olvidado que hace varios años atrás la había conocido. |
She stayed behind with some friends. | Se ha quedado atrás con unos amigos. |
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Don't hold back. | No mires atrás. |
Sometimes we need to take a step back and think. | A veces debemos dar un paso atrás y pensar. |
I left Japan ten years ago. | Salí de Japón hace diez años atrás. |
She's back there with some friends. | Está allí atrás con unos amigos. |
Leave the past behind and go on. | Deja el pasado atrás y sigue adelante. |
There's no going back. | No hay vuelta atrás. |
The dog walked backward. | El perro caminaba para atrás. |
Look back. | Mira atrás. |
Taro died two years ago. | Taro murió dos años atrás. |
He looked back. | Él miró hacia atrás. |
The bomb exploded two days ago. | La bomba explotó hace dos días atrás. |
Tom left three days ago. | Tom partió tres días atrás. |
Step back. | Da un paso atrás. |
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This word appears in the following categories
Body & Health
Being & Changes
Location & Place
Time & Frequency