With each other - Miteinander (The 716th Most Common German Word)
The German translation for With each other is Miteinander. It can be used as adverb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 716th most common word in German. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Practice this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
Two firms compete with each other for market leadership.
Zwei Firmen konkurrieren miteinander um die Marktführerschaft.
They are on good terms with each other.
Sie verstehen sich gut miteinander.
They don't get along with each other.
Sie kommen nicht miteinander aus.
We exchanged glances with each other.
Wir tauschten Blicke miteinander.
Computers can communicate with each other via the Internet.
Computer können über das Internet miteinander kommunizieren.
We have corresponded with each other.
Wir korrespondierten miteinander.
Examining the 40GB and 100GB Ethernet and comparing it with each other we can come to a conclusion that they share similar characteristics.
Wenn wir das 40GB und 100GB Ethernet untersuchen und miteinander vergleichen, können wir zu dem Schluss kommen, dass sie ähnliche Eigenschaften aufweisen.
In india, men often dance with each other.
In Indien tanzen oft Männer miteinander.
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All ip|engines communicate with each other to form a synchronized and distributed system.
Alle ip|engines kommunizieren miteinander und bilden ein synchronisiertes verteiltes System.
The tubular body includes mesial and distal portions which are connected to a mesial/ dista len border area integrally with each other.
Der rohrförmige Körper umfaßt mesiale und distale Abschnitte, die an einem mesialen/dista len Grenzbereich integral miteinander verbunden sind.
A multicoloured short fin, where matte scales and emerald green shining body and fin parts contrast wonderfully with each other.
Ein mehrfarbiger Kurzflosser, bei dem matte Beschuppung und smaragdgrün glänzende Körper- und Flossenpartien wundervoll miteinander kontrastieren.
You can compare the frequencies, ranks and distributions of your specified search terms with each other...
Sie können das Vorkommen einzelner Wörter miteinander vergleichen...
The two editions of the clothes rack have a special effect when combined with each other.
Die zwei Ausführungen des Kleiderständers wirken besonders in Kombination miteinander.
Respectively many people desire an equal and respectful interaction with each other.
Entsprechend wünschen sich viele einen gleichberechtigten und respektierten Umgang miteinander.
Most bacteria are able to communicate with each other by secreting signaling molecules.
Die meisten Bakterien können miteinander kommunizieren, indem sie Signalmoleküle absondern.
Old and new correspond with each other in a motivating manner.
Altes und Neues korrespondiert motivierend miteinander.
Consequently, the system's components are able to interact with each other.
Deshalb können die Systemkomponenten miteinander agieren.
These sounds are how the fax machines communicate with each other.
Über diese Geräusche kommunizieren Faxgeräte miteinander.
Micro components communicate with each other by means of encapsulated communication channels.