There - Dort (The 139th Most Common German Word)

The German word for There is Dort. It can be used as adverb. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes, location & place, time & frequency. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 139th most commonly used word in German. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: there

de German: dort


en de
I will be there tomorrow. Ich werde morgen dort sein.
I live there by myself. Ich wohne alleine dort.
There were many people there. Es waren viele Leute dort.
You weren't there. Sie waren nicht dort.
My clothes are there. Meine Kleidung ist dort drüben.
I'll be there at two o'clock without fail. Ich werde dort garantiert um Punkt zwei Uhr sein.
Yours is over there. Deins ist dort.
Stay there Bleiben Sie dort

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There - Dort (The 139th Most Common German Word)
I was there last night. Ich war letzte Nacht dort.
I've been there a few times. Ich war dort ein paar Mal.
You can't buy it anywhere but there. Sie können es nirgendwo außer dort kaufen.
You went there. Du gingst dort hin.
It was there that I saw the accident. Dort sah ich den Unfall.
His house is there on the right. Sein Haus liegt dort rechts.
It is necessary for you to go there. Du musst dort hingehen.
There were about one thousand people. Dort waren ungefähr tausend Menschen.
One day I found a box there. Eines Tages fand ich dort eine Kiste.
I saw them over there a while ago. Ich habe sie vorhin dort drüben gesehen.
I know there was a big church there. Ich weiß, dass es dort eine große Kirche gab.
You will get friends there. Du wirst dort Freunde finden.
Let's have a tea break somewhere around there. Lasst uns dort irgendwo eine Teepause machen.

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There - Dort (The 139th Most Common German Word)

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