Soft, gentle - Sanft (The 2528th Most Common German Word)

The German translation for Soft, gentle is Sanft. It can be used as adjective. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2528th most common word in German. This word often comes up when talking about measures, materials & quality, location & place, emotions. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common German words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: soft, gentle

de German: sanft


en de
Her voice was soft and beautiful. Ihre Stimme war sanft und schön.
Her voice grew soft. Ihre Stimme wurde sanft.
That dog is very gentle. Der Hund ist sehr sanft.
Tom was gentle. Tom war sanft.
Be gentle, but firm. Sei sanft, aber bestimmt.
Learn from your mistakes and be gentle with yourself. Lerne aus deinen Fehlern und gehe sanft mit dir um.
So be very patient and gentle with yourself. Seid also sehr geduldig und sanft mit euch selbst.
The, was kind and gentle with me. Der Fotograf bei war sehr höflich und sanft zu mir.

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Soft, gentle - Sanft (The 2528th Most Common German Word)
Carry on gently and be gentle with yourself. Mache behutsam weiter und sei sanft zu dir selbst.
Just remember to be gentle with truth. Vergiss nur nie, sanft mit der Wahrheit zu sein.
Elegant and gentle with typical Speyside flavours. Elegant und sanft mit typischen Speyside Aromen.
Hang in there, be gentle with yourself and others. Hängt euch darein, seid sanft mit euch selbst und anderen.
He has a lovely character and is gentle with all kind of riders. Er hat einen schönen Charakter und ist sanft mit allen Arten von Fahrern.
He was so focused and so gentle with the razor. Er war so konzentriert und so sanft mit dem Rasierer.
I'll be really gentle with him. Ich bin auch wirklich sanft zu ihm.
He's so gentle with me. Er war so sanft zu mir.
He's very gentle with her. Er ist sehr sanft zu ihr.
It seems Lord Rahl has been too gentle with you. Es schient, dass Lord Rahl zu sanft zu dir war.
It is always patient and gentle with children. Es ist immer geduldig und sanft mit Kindern.
Okay, sweetheart, be gentle with me. Alles klar, Schätzchen, sei sanft zu mir.
As long as you're gentle with her. Wenn Sie sanft mit ihr umgehen...

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Soft, gentle - Sanft (The 2528th Most Common German Word)

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