Sand - Sand (The 2474th Most Common German Word)
The German word for Sand is Sand. It is the 2474th most commonly used word in German, classified as a B2 word. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about materials & quality. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common German words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
The sand on the beach was white. | Der Sand am Strand war weiß. |
The bottle was filled with what looked like sand. | Die Flasche war mit etwas gefüllt, das aussah wie Sand. |
I hate sand. | Ich hasse Sand. |
I got sand in my eye. | Ich habe Sand in die Augen bekommen. |
Sand is hot. | Sand ist heiß. |
We found the footprints in the sand. | Wir haben die Fußspuren im Sand gefunden. |
Dry sand absorbs water. | Trockener Sand absorbiert Wasser. |
Glass is made from sand. | Glas wird aus Sand hergestellt. |
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Several children are playing in the sand. | Einige Kinder spielen im Sand. |
I got some sand in my eye. | Ich habe Sand im Auge. |
He ate some sand. | Er aß etwas Sand. |
It's sand. | Es ist Sand. |
Spread the sand evenly. | Verteile den Sand gleichmäßig |
He dug a hole in the sand. | Er grub ein Loch in den Sand. |
The child filled the bucket with sand. | Das Kind füllte den Eimer mit Sand. |
The sand was warm. | Der Sand war warm. |
I don't like sand. | Ich mag Sand nicht. |
Tom brushed the sand from his clothes. | Tom strich sich den Sand von der Kleidung. |
The soldiers filled the sandbags with sand. | Die Soldaten füllten die Sandsäcke mit Sand. |
The kids dig in the sand. | Die Kinder buddeln im Sand. |
Tom drew a circle in the sand. | Tom zeichnete einen Kreis in den Sand. |
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