Restaurant - Restaurant (The 1802nd Most Common German Word)

The German translation for Restaurant is Restaurant. It can be used as noun. It is the 1802nd most commonly used word in German, classified as a B1 word. This word often comes up when talking about shops & services. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: restaurant

de German: restaurant


en de
Let's go eat at that restaurant another day. Lass uns an einem anderen Tag in diesem Restaurant essen gehen.
This is the best restaurant I know. Dies ist das beste Restaurant das ich kenne.
A welcome party took place in the restaurant. Im Restaurant fand eine Willkommensfeier statt.
I went into the town in search of a good restaurant. Ich ging in die Stadt um ein gutes Restaurant zu suchen.
My father always ate in this restaurant. Mein Vater aß gewöhnlich in diesem Restaurant.
The restaurant was far from the station. Das Restaurant war weit vom Bahnhof entfernt.
Here's a restaurant I eat at a lot. Hier ist ein Restaurant, in dem ich oft speise.
The restaurant is always packed. Das Restaurant ist immer voll.

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Restaurant - Restaurant (The 1802nd Most Common German Word)
At times I have breakfast in a restaurant. Manchmal frühstücke ich in einem Restaurant.
She was seen at a restaurant with her lover. Sie wurde in einem Restaurant mit ihrem Liebhaber gesehen.
The restaurant was almost empty. Das Restaurant war beinahe leer.
The restaurant is on the ground floor. Das Restaurant befindet sich im Erdgeschoss.
I happened to run into my teacher at the restaurant last night. Ich habe meinen Lehrer gestern Abend zufällig im Restaurant getroffen.
I've already worked in a restaurant. Ich habe bereits in einem Restaurant gearbeitet.
I can't afford eating in such an expensive restaurant. Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, in einem so teuren Restaurant zu essen.
When does the restaurant open Wann öffnet das Restaurant
I can recommend this restaurant. Ich kann dieses Restaurant empfehlen.
My father runs a restaurant. Mein Vater betreibt ein Restaurant.
I like the atmosphere of this restaurant. Ich mag die Atmosphäre in diesem Restaurant.
Is the restaurant there too Ist das Restaurant auch dort
Our restaurant is near the southern bus station. Unser Restaurant ist in der Nähe der südlichen Bushaltestelle.

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Restaurant - Restaurant (The 1802nd Most Common German Word)

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