Office - Büro (The 1663rd Most Common German Word)

The German word for Office is Büro. This word often comes up when talking about lifestyle & free time, occupation, communication. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1663rd most common word in German. It can be used as noun. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Practice this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: office

de German: büro


en de
I want to see you in my office this afternoon. Ich möchte Sie heute Nachmittag in meinem Büro sprechen.
Drop by my office this evening. Kommen Sie heute Abend in mein Büro.
I wasn't in the office then. I don't know what happened. Ich war damals nicht im Büro. Ich weiß nicht, was passiert ist.
He's at the office. Er ist in seinem Büro.
I like this office. Ich mag dieses Büro.
This is my office. Das ist mein Büro.
You're the only person I know who doesn't knock before entering my office. Sie sind die einzige Person, die ich kenne, die nicht anklopft, bevor sie mein Büro betritt.
His office is very close to mine. Sein Büro ist sehr nah bei meinem.

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Office - Büro (The 1663rd Most Common German Word)
I'll be in my office. Ich werde in meinem Büro sein.
He let me work in this office. Er ließ mich in diesem Büro arbeiten.
Her office is located in the center of the town. Sein Büro befindet sich in der Stadtmitte.
You didn't have to come into the office today. Heute hättest du nicht ins Büro zu kommen brauchen.
That is the office where he works. Dies ist das Büro, in dem er arbeitet.
It seemed that he had visited the office. Es schien, dass er das Büro besucht hatte.
I'm going back to my office. Ich gehe zurück in mein Büro.
Daddy was in his office, under our flat. Papa war in seinem Büro unter unserer Wohnung.
My father sometimes took me to his office. Mein Vater hat mich manchmal in sein Büro mitgenommen.
He doesn't go to the office on Saturday. Samstags geht er nicht ins Büro.
I heard you were having problems at the office. Ich habe gehört, Sie haben Probleme im Büro.
You don't work in an office. Du arbeitest nicht in einem Büro.
Finding his office was easy. Es war leicht sein Büro zu finden.

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Office - Büro (The 1663rd Most Common German Word)

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