Money - Geld (The 235th Most Common German Word)
The German word for Money is Geld. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about shops & services. It is the 235th most commonly used word in German, classified as a A1 word. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
We need money to do anything. | Wir brauchen Geld, um irgendetwas zu tun. |
For one thing, I don't have any money. For another, I don't have the time. | Zum einen habe ich kein Geld und zum anderen auch nicht die Zeit dazu. |
I need some money. | Ich brauche Geld. |
Money is needed. | Es wird Geld benötigt. |
I have no time for that, and besides, I don't have any money. | Ich habe keine Zeit dafür, und außerdem habe ich kein Geld. |
He gave me some money. | Er gab mir Geld. |
I am short of money for my trip. | Mir fehlt das Geld für meine Reise. |
The only time my son talks to me is when he needs some money. | Mein Sohn redet nur mit mir, wenn er Geld braucht. |
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I've lost all my money. | Ich habe mein ganzes Geld verloren. |
He is poor, but he doesn't care about money. | Er ist arm, aber Geld interessiert ihn nicht. |
He gave us clothes, and money as well. | Er gab uns Kleidung, und darüber hinaus auch noch Geld. |
What he needs is not money but love. | Er braucht kein Geld, sondern Liebe |
What I want now isn't money, but time. | Was ich jetzt will, ist nicht Geld, sondern Zeit. |
He'll do anything for money. | Für Geld tut er alles. |
The only time you talk to me is when you need some money. | Du sprichst nur mit mir, wenn du etwas Geld brauchst. |
He has more money than he can spend. | Er hat mehr Geld, als er ausgeben kann. |
I had to get some money. | Ich musste etwas Geld besorgen. |
He had trouble getting the money. | Er hatte Probleme, das Geld zu bekommen. |
He can do whatever he likes with the money. | Er kann mit seinem Geld alles machen, was er will. |
I would like to exchange money. | Ich würde gern Geld wechseln. |
I have no money with me now. | Ich habe kein Geld dabei. |
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