Loud - Laut (The 773rd Most Common German Word)

The translation for Loud in German is Laut. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about materials & quality. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 773rd most common word in German. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common German words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: loud

de German: laut


en de
Scream it loud Schrei laut
The radio is too loud. Das Radio ist zu laut.
I spoke so loudly as to be heard by everyone. Ich sprach so laut, dass ich von allen gehört werden konnte.
He spoke very loudly. Er sprach sehr laut.
You don't need to speak that loudly. Sie brauchen nicht so laut sprechen.
Stop talking loudly. Hör auf laut zu reden.
The radio is too loud. Turn the volume down. Das Radio ist zu laut. Dreh die Lautstärke herunter.
Perry has acquired the habit of thinking aloud. Perry hat sich angewöhnt, laut zu denken.

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Loud - Laut (The 773rd Most Common German Word)
John was beating the drums loudly. Johannes trommelte laut auf dem Schlagzeug herum.
It's too loud. Es ist zu laut.
He read the document aloud. Er las das Dokument laut vor.
She speaks loudly. Sie spricht laut.
The baby cried loudly. Das Baby schrie laut.
Tom laughed out loud. Tom lachte laut los.
She's too loud. Sie ist zu laut.
She was snoring loudly. Sie schnarchte laut.
Tom is loud. Tom ist laut.
Tom burped loudly. Tom rülpste laut.
It was loud. Es war laut.
It's really loud. Es ist sehr laut.
It's very loud. Es ist sehr laut.

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Loud - Laut (The 773rd Most Common German Word)

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