Laugh - Lachen (The 444th Most Common German Word)
In German, the word for Laugh is Lachen. This word often comes up when talking about emotions. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 444th most commonly used word in German. It can be used as verb. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Practice this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
No reason to laugh | Kein Grund zu lachen |
That was not a laughing matter. | Das war nicht zum Lachen. |
Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing. | Aber im Ernst, die Episode 21 hat mich fast vor Lachen weinen lassen. |
We roared with laughter. | Wir schrien vor Lachen. |
I doubled over with laughter. | Ich krümmte mich vor Lachen. |
I could hardly resist laughing. | Ich konnte mir das Lachen kaum verkneifen. |
Laughter is the best medicine. | Lachen ist die beste Medizin. |
Her laughter echoed through the house. | Ihr Lachen hallte durch das Haus. |
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Her eyes are laughing. | Ihre Augen lachen. |
She burst into laughter. | Sie brach in Lachen aus. |
She couldn't help bursting into laughter. | Sie konnte nicht anders: sie brach in Lachen aus. |
Laughter is infectious. | Lachen ist ansteckend. |
She couldn't hold back her laughter. | Sie konnte ihr Lachen nicht zurückhalten. |
Tom started laughing. | Tom fing an zu lachen. |
I laugh out loud. | Da kann ich doch nur lachen. |
Everyone started laughing. | Alle fingen an zu lachen. |
They're laughing. | Sie lachen. |
Stop laughing | Hör auf zu lachen |
Everyone's laughing. | Alle lachen. |
Everybody laughs. | Alle lachen. |
Tom stopped laughing. | Tom hörte auf zu lachen. |
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