Just as - Genauso (The 808th Most Common German Word)

The German translation for Just as is Genauso. It can be used as adverb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 808th most common word in German. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: just as

de German: genauso


en de
He has just as many books as his father does. Er hat genauso viele Bücher wie sein Vater.
Some people are just as obsessed about sound quality as we are. Manche Menschen sind genauso besessen von Klangqualität wie wir.
The city where you can become rich suddenly, and just as quickly lose your life. Die Stadt, wo man plötzlich reich werden kann, und genauso schnell dein Leben verlieren.
But, sadly, they waste money just as easily. Aber leider verschwenden sie genauso leicht Geld.
Faircoin is traded in currency markets just as any other cryptocurrency or State currency. Faircoin wird an den Devisenmärkten gehandelt, genauso wie jede andere Kryptowährung oder Staatswährung auch.
Because it loves tinkering hands just as much as the confident rev on the gas. Denn sie liebt Schrauberhände genauso sehr wie den selbstbewussten Dreh am Gas.
Homies with full-time jobs can rip just as hard as some street league dudes. Homies mit Full-Time Jobs rippen nämlich genauso hart wie manche Street League Dudes.
Just as importantly, it would reassure Chinese policymakers. Und, genauso wichtig, es würde die Entscheidungsträger in China beruhigen.

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Just as - Genauso (The 808th Most Common German Word)
The heavy war losses prove that even art isn't immortal, just as the evanescence of beauty. Die schweren Kriegsverluste zeigen, daß auch Kunst nicht unsterblich ist, genauso wie die Vergänglichkeit der Schönheit.
The flow of information in the opposite direction also functions just as seamlessly. Genauso lückenlos funktioniert auch der umgekehrte Informationsfluss.
Notes could quickly be recorded and wiped away just as quickly again. Notizen könnten schnell aufgeschrieben und genauso schnell wieder weggewischt werden.
Natural diet pills based on plant extracts can be just as dangerous as medications. Natürliche Diätpillen auf Pflanzenextraktbasis können genauso gefährlich sein wie Medikamente.
The Fatboy Outdoor beanbag is just as homely as its indoor brothers. Der Fatboy Sitzsack Outdoor ist genauso gemütlich wie seine Indoor-Brüder.
Metallic materials have a right to exist just as composites do. Metallische Werkstoffe haben genauso ihre Daseinsberechtigung wie Composites.
Our occupational profiles are as diverse as our range of wheels, and just as innovative. Unsere Berufsbilder sind so vielfältig wie unser Räderprogramm und genauso innovativ.
Yaks are here just as resident as snow leopards and king eagles. Yaks sind hier genauso beheimatet wie Schneeleoparden und Königsadler.
They treat your data just as carefully as we do. Sie behandeln Ihre Daten genauso sorgfältig wie wir.
You could have won the competition just as easily. Du hättest den Wettbewerb genauso gewinnen können.
Yet we look at the big picture just as passionately. Doch genauso leidenschaftlich behalten wir den Überblick.
However, a well guided apprenticeship may offer just as many opportunities. Dabei bringt eine gute Ausbildung genauso viele Chancen.
It is however guaranteed to be just as psychoactive. Er ist jedoch garantiert genauso psychoaktiv.

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Just as - Genauso (The 808th Most Common German Word)

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