In former times - Früher (The 411th Most Common German Word)

The German translation for In former times is Früher. It can be used as adverb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 411th most commonly used word in German. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: in former times

de German: früher


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In former times, catalogues, brochures and fairs have been very important. Früher waren Kataloge, Prospekte und Messen besonders wichtig.
The stone work shows, that these hollows were in former times closed with stone slabs. Die Steinbearbeitung zeigt, daß diese Vertiefungen früher durch Steinplatten verschlossen waren.
To take neighbors with you or give a ride to someone was a firm tradition in rural regions in former times. NachbarInnen mitzunehmen oder bei jemandem mitzufahren war in früheren Zeiten eine feste Tradition in ländlichen Regionen.
Grein Stillensteinklamm In former times, the beaver was spread in most parts of Europe. Grein Stillensteinklamm Zu früheren Zeiten war der Biber in weiten Teilen Europas verbreitet.
All beginnings are difficult. Aller Anfang ist schwer.
Life is the beginning of death. Leben ist der Anfang des Todes.
Let's begin at the beginning. Lass uns am Anfang beginnen.
The end is the beginning of the impossible. Das Ende ist der Anfang des Unmöglichen.

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In former times - Früher (The 411th Most Common German Word)
I watched the game from beginning to end. Ich habe mir das Spiel von Anfang bis Ende angesehen.
Whatever has a beginning also has an end. Was einen Anfang hat, hat auch ein Ende.
Our plan went wrong from the beginning. Unser Plan lief von Anfang an schief.
She liked him right from the beginning. Sie mochte ihn auf Anhieb.
I found this book interesting from beginning to end. Ich fand dieses Buch vom Anfang bis zum Ende interessant.
That's just the beginning. Das ist nur der Anfang.
That was just the beginning. Das war erst der Anfang.
That was the beginning of everything. Das war der Anfang von allem.
Another day is just beginning. Ein weiterer Tag beginnt gerade.
It's far from winning the first prize. Es ist weit davon entfernt, den ersten Preis zu gewinnen.
We were certain of winning the game. Wir waren uns sicher, zu gewinnen.
I have sinned. Ich habe gesündigt.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Vergib mir Vater, denn ich habe gesündigt.

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In former times - Früher (The 411th Most Common German Word)

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