High, tall - Hoch (The 118th Most Common German Word)
The German translation for High, tall is Hoch. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about location & place, numbers & quantity, measures, materials & quality, emotions, body & health. It is the 118th most commonly used word in German, classified as a A1 word. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common German words. Download it now to discover them all.
high, tall
That tree is not so tall as this. | Der Baum dort ist nicht so hoch wie dieser hier. |
From below, the house seemed very tall. | Von unten schien das Haus sehr hoch zu sein. |
The building is one hundred meters high. | Das Hochhaus ist hundert Meter hoch. |
Interest on loans is high at present. | Der Darlehenszinssatz ist im Moment hoch. |
How high is it | Wie hoch ist es |
The lawyer's fee was very high. | Das Honorar des Anwalts war sehr hoch. |
How high is the mountain | Wie hoch ist der Berg |
We concluded, however that the price of 5,000,000 yen was too high. | Wir kamen zu dem Schluss, dass jedenfalls der Preis von 5.000.000 Yen zu hoch war. |
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My cholesterol levels are high. | Meine Cholesterinwerte sind hoch. |
The status of a doctor is very high in this community. | Der Status eines Arztes ist sehr hoch in dieser Gemeinde. |
Prices are high. | Die Preise sind hoch. |
How high is that tower | Wie hoch ist dieser Turm |
How high is that mountain | Wie hoch ist dieser Berg |
The waves are high today. | Die Wellen sind heute hoch. |
The waves are high. | Die Wellen sind hoch. |
She can jump high. | Sie kann hoch springen. |
Her salary is very high. | Ihr Einkommen ist sehr hoch. |
The statistics show that our standard of living is high. | Die Statistik zeigt, dass unser Lebensstandard hoch ist. |
How tall is that tower | Wie hoch ist dieser Turm |
Unemployment is high. | Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist hoch. |
His rank isn't high enough for that position. | Sein Dienstgrad ist nicht hoch genug für den Posten. |
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This word appears in the following categories
Location & Place
Numbers & Quantity
Materials & Quality
Body & Health