From, as of - Ab (The 544th Most Common German Word)

The translation for From, as of in German is Ab. It can be used as preposition. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 544th most commonly used word in German. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: from, as of

de German: ab


en de
From time to time I hear from him. Ab und zu höre ich von ihm.
Yes, that happens from time to time. Ja, das passiert ab und zu.
Yes, it happens from time to time. Ja, das passiert ab und zu.
It shows white from here. Ab hier zeigt es Weiß.
We'll do it this way from now on. Ab jetzt machen wir es so.
I meet him from time to time. Ich treffe ihn ab und zu.
From this point, we'll go on foot. Ab hier gehen wir zu Fuß weiter.
Please come to see me from time to time. Bitte komm mich ab und zu mal besuchen.

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From, as of - Ab (The 544th Most Common German Word)
The noise kept me from sleeping last night. Der Lärm hielt mich letzte Nacht vom Schlafen ab.
I will never tell a lie from now on. Ab jetzt werde ich nie wieder lügen.
Get away from here. Hau ab
The rain prevented me from coming. Der Regen hielt mich davon ab zu kommen.
Bad weather prevented them from sailing. Schlechtes Wetter hielt sie vom Segeln ab.
Most Americans are descended from immigrants. Die meisten Amerikaner stammen von Einwanderern ab.
The train for Birmingham leaves from platform 3. Der Zug nach Birmingham fährt von Gleis 3 ab.
The writer was descended from the Greek royal family. Der Autor stammte von der griechischen Königsfamilie ab.
She works from nine. Sie arbeitet ab neun.
What platform does the train leave from Von welchem Bahnsteig fährt der Zug ab
Which platform does the train leave from Von welchem Bahnsteig geht der Zug ab
Humans come from apes. Der Mensch stammt vom Affen ab.
Humans descend from apes. Der Mensch stammt vom Affen ab.

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From, as of - Ab (The 544th Most Common German Word)

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