Finally, at last - Endlich (The 454th Most Common German Word)

The translation for Finally, at last in German is Endlich. It can be used as adverb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 454th most commonly used word in German. This word often comes up when talking about time & frequency. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: finally, at last

de German: endlich


en de
We finally did it. Wir haben es endlich getan.
I finally found a job. Endlich habe ich Arbeit gefunden.
It is finally all over. Endlich ist alles vorbei.
At last, I found out the answer to the question. Endlich fand ich die Antwort auf die Frage heraus.
It's finally over. Endlich ist es vorbei
I finally understand. Ich verstehe es endlich.
Finally, I have my own car. Endlich habe ich ein eigenes Auto.
I finally have everything I need. Endlich habe ich alles, was ich brauche.

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Finally, at last - Endlich (The 454th Most Common German Word)
I'm glad to see you're finally happy. Ich freue mich zu sehen, dass du endlich glücklich bist.
I finally found my keys. Endlich fand ich meine Schlüssel.
The two of us are finally alone. Endlich sind wir für uns zwei.
It's finally Friday. Endlich ist Freitag.
I finally made a decision. Ich habe endlich eine Entscheidung getroffen.
Thank God, they finally arrived. Gott sei Dank sind sie endlich angekommen.
I've finally found the woman I want to marry. Ich habe endlich die Frau gefunden, die ich heiraten möchte.
His dream has finally come true. Sein Traum ist endlich wahr geworden.
At last, he got the car. Er hat sich das Auto endlich zugelegt.
You finally succeeded in getting a job. Sie haben es endlich geschafft, Arbeit zu finden.
Finally, my sister got engaged. Endlich hat sich meine Schwester verlobt.
At last, we reached California. Endlich erreichten wir Kalifornien.
At last, he came. Endlich kam er.

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Finally, at last - Endlich (The 454th Most Common German Word)

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