Experiment - Experiment (The 1695th Most Common German Word)

The German word for Experiment is Experiment. This word often comes up when talking about lifestyle & free time, economy & manufacturing. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1695th most commonly used word in German. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: experiment

de German: experiment


en de
The experiment failed. Das Experiment war ein Misserfolg.
The experiment confirmed his theory. Das Experiment bestätigte seine Theorie.
We used the following procedures in this experiment. Wir benutzten die im Folgenden beschriebenen Verfahrensweisen bei diesem Experiment.
The experiment was successful. Das Experiment war erfolgreich.
The experiment succeeded. Das Experiment war erfolgreich.
The experiment ended in failure. Das Experiment scheiterte.
That experiment led to a great discovery. Dieses Experiment führte zu einer großen Entdeckung.
Will the experiment succeed Wird das Experiment glücken

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Experiment - Experiment (The 1695th Most Common German Word)
It's an experiment. Es ist ein Experiment.
The experiment must begin. Das Experiment muss losgehen.
Eventually the experiment succeeded. Schließlich hatte das Experiment Erfolg.
The experiment was a failure. Das Experiment war ein Fehlschlag.
He continued the experiment. Er setzte das Experiment fort.
They carried out a new chemistry experiment. Sie vollführten ein neues chemisches Experiment.
The experiment must succeed. The next chance will only arise in fifty years. Das Experiment muss gelingen. Die nächste Chance ergibt sich erst in fünfzig Jahren.
Mary decided to conduct an experiment. Maria entschloss sich, ein Experiment durchzuführen.
The experiment has to begin. Das Experiment muss losgehen.
The experiment was a success. Das Experiment war ein Erfolg.
It was just an experiment. Es war nur ein Experiment.
Our experiment went wrong last week. Unser Experiment letzte Woche ging schief.
He used pigeons in his experiment. Er verwendete Tauben für sein Experiment.

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Experiment - Experiment (The 1695th Most Common German Word)

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