Count, earl - Graf (The 2101st Most Common German Word)
The German translation for Count, earl is Graf. This word often comes up when talking about numbers & quantity. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2101st most commonly used word in German. It can be used as noun. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
count, earl
My dear, I'm sure Count Dracula will excuse you. | Graf Dracula wird dich sicher entschuldigen. |
Then, Richard Earl of cambridge, there is yours. | Dann, Richard, Graf von Cambridge, ist das für Euch. |
The Count's known for being a real playboy. | Der Graf ist als richtiger Playboy bekannt. |
Duke of cornwall and earl of chester, Most dear and entirely beloved son To our most dread and gracious lord, king henry the eighth. | Herzog von Cornwall und Graf von Chester... hoch geehrter und viel geliebter Sohn... unseres respektierten und gnädigen Herrn, König Heinrich VIII. |
Back then an earl lived in that castle. | Damals ein Graf lebte in diesem Schloss. |
In this castle lived formerly an earl. | In diesem Schloss lebte früher ein Graf. |
The baroque castle was built by earl Philipp Emmerich between 1681and 1691. | Das Barockschloss ließ der Graf Philipp Emmerich zwischen Jahren 1681-1691 erbauen. |
Fearing revenge, Count Adalbert assented. | Rache fürchtend, gab Graf Adalbert das Jawort. |
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This does not apply to Heinrich Count zu Dohna. | Auf Heinrich Graf zu Dohna jedenfalls trifft das nicht zu. |
It doesn't matter, count roland. | Das spielt keine Rolle, Graf Roland. |
In 1858 Count Ferdinand de Lesseps founded the Suez Canal Company. | Graf Ferdinand de Lesseps gründete 1858 die Suezkanal-Gesellschaft. |
That's the castle of the regent, Count Cagliostro. | Das Schloss des Regenten, Graf Cagliostro. |
William Herbert, 1st earl of pembroke | William Herbert, erster graf von Pembroke |
Barntrup receives the status of a town by Earl Heinrich zu Sternberg. | Barntrup erhält Stadtrechte durch Graf Heinrich zu Sternberg. |
That insane Count has gone to the village. | Der verrückte Graf ist dort hingelaufen. |
After passing through numerous owners, the palace was bought by Josef Count Lamberg in 1878. | Nach zahlreichen Besitzerwechseln kaufte Josef Graf Lamberg 1878 das Schloss. |
By far, the most well-known and popular vampire in the films is Count Dracula. | Der bei weitem meistbekannte und beliebteste Filmvampir ist Graf Dracula. |
Walterskirchen castle near Poysdorf, Lower Austria, acquired 1733 by Count Andreas Koháry. | Schloss Walterskirchen, 1733 von Graf Andreas Koháry erworben. |
Earl Henning of Irkesleve who lived during 1330 in Haldslohe. | Graf Henning von Irkesleve lebte 1330 in Haldslohe. |
Count of Zeppelin in front of the German-house at Friedrichshafen. | Graf Zeppelin vor dem deutschen Haus in Friedrichshafen. |
Count d'Algout, there have been several telephone calls. | Graf d'Algout, es gab mehrere Telefonate. |
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