Conservative - Konservativ (The 2605th Most Common German Word)

The German word for Conservative is Konservativ. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2605th most commonly used word in German. It can be used as adjective. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: conservative

de German: konservativ


en de
We believe our return forecast to be rather conservative and cautious. Wir halten diese Prognose für eher konservativ und vorsichtig.
Englishmen are, on the whole, conservative. Engländer sind im Allgemeinen konservativ.
He is conservative to a degree. Er ist zu einem gewissen Grad konservativ.
Most Englishmen are conservative. Die meisten Engländer sind konservativ.
Taft had become very conservative. Taft war sehr konservativ geworden.
Tom is very conservative. Tom ist sehr konservativ.
We're conservative. Wir sind konservativ.
Are you conservative Bist du konservativ

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Conservative - Konservativ (The 2605th Most Common German Word)
We are conservative. Wir sind konservativ.
Tom isn't conservative. Tom ist nicht konservativ.
I'm very conservative. Ich bin sehr konservativ.
I am very conservative. Ich bin sehr konservativ.
This ordinance stipulates that the assets of a protected person must be invested in a conservative manner. Diese Verordnung sieht vor, dass das Vermögen einer verbeiständeten Person eher konservativ angelegt werden muss.
Customers still remain conservative however with regard to steel as the material. Nur beim Werk- stoff Stahl bleiben die Kunden konservativ.
Generally Saudi-Arabia is known as a very conservative and religious country. Generell gilt Saudi-Arabien als sehr konservativ und streng religiös.
Funeral attire should generally be darker colored and conservative. Trauerkleidung ist gewöhnlich dunkel und konservativ.
Thatcher's attitude to the turmoil in Northern Ireland was stubbornly conservative. Thatchers Haltung gegenüber den Turbulenzen in Nordirland war hartnäckig konservativ.
Google is relatively conservative when it comes to press releases. Google ist recht konservativ, was Pressemitteilungen betrifft.
October 2017 The real estate sector is considered safety-aware, conservative and capital intensive. Die Immobilienbranche gilt als sicherheitsbewusst, konservativ und kapitalintensiv.
The people living in this area are very conservative and fundamentalist. Die Bevölkerung dort ist sehr konservativ und fundamentalistisch.
For a long time it was considered old-fashioned and conservative. Lange galt es als altmodisch und konservativ.

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Conservative - Konservativ (The 2605th Most Common German Word)

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