Come out - Herauskommen, rauskommen (The 2137th Most Common German Word)

In German, the word for Come out is Herauskommen, rauskommen. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2137th most commonly used word in German. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Discover all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: come out

de German: herauskommen, rauskommen


en de
The translation means to go by or come out unintentionally easily. Die Übersetzung bedeutet leicht vorrübergehen oder herauskommen ohne Absicht.
Any night the sun can come out. Jede Nacht kann die Sonne herauskommen.
Maria will never come out this prison again. Maria wird aus diesen Gefängnis nicht mehr herauskommen.
His thick and pink lips moved, but I heard nothing coming out of them... a small, pointed nose adorned his soft face. Seine dicken und rosa lippen bewegten sich, aber ich hörte nichts aus ihnen herauskommen... eine kleine, spitze nase schmückte sein weiches gesicht.
So first of all you have to come out from this conditioned life. Erstmal, musst du aus diesem bedingten Leben herauskommen.
Then a piece of insulating glass should come out. Dann sollte ein Stück Isolierglas herauskommen.
He believed that the truth would come out in the end. Er glaubte, die Wahrheit würde schließlich herauskommen.
All of the spray should now come out. Nun sollte die gesamte Sprühflüssigkeit herauskommen.

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Come out - Herauskommen, rauskommen (The 2137th Most Common German Word)
The safety car had to come out twice. Zweimal musste das Safety Car herauskommen.
When enough stars come out, they create a galaxy. Wenn genügend Sterne herauskommen, entsteht eine Galaxie.
Sometimes the baby just doesn't want to come out. Manchmal will das Baby einfach nicht herauskommen.
But soon you'll have to come out. Aber bald wirst du herauskommen müssen.
I don't think they will come out this time. Nur werden sie diesmal nicht herauskommen.
In total, this will come out 3000 rubles. Insgesamt wird dies 3000 Rubel herauskommen.
At the end the very completely same whole result should come out. Am Ende sollte ein möglichst komplett gleiches Gesamtergebnis herauskommen.
From such shells, the imagination allows amazing creatures to come out. Aus solchen Hüllen lässt die Einbildungskraft erstaunliche Wesen herauskommen.
Quasimodo beheld many people enter, but no one come out. Quasimodo sah viele Leute hineingehen und niemanden wieder herauskommen.
Employees don't know when the new devices are coming out... Apple-Mitarbeiter wissen nicht, wann die neuen Geräte herauskommen...
Since in the end nothing necessarily measurable has to come out of it. Da muss am Ende nicht unbedingt etwas Messbares herauskommen.
In a more neutral arena, the Rkkr could come out feeling confident. In einer neutraleren Arena könnte der Røkkr zuversichtlich herauskommen.
Idgie's upstairs in her room... and says she won't come out as long as she lives. Idgie ist in ihrem Zimmer und will nicht rauskommen.

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Come out - Herauskommen, rauskommen (The 2137th Most Common German Word)

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